Flying Dogs


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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As a few of you already may know I'll be flying for Animal rescue flights shortly(Thanks to Ted), As I quote from their website, "Animal Rescue Flights (ARF) promotes, plans, and performs the transportation of animals from overcrowded shelters where they face certain death to other parts of the country where qualified families are waiting to adopt them." It's a wonderful cause that I will certainly do but my question is do I need to expect anything to fly dogs? such as... Do they get airsick? etc.
My wife and I have flown with eight different dogs of our own over the last 30 years. We find that a dog does in a plane exactly what it does in a car. If that includes barfing, be ready (or don't try it). If that includes barking continuously, be ready for that, too (including some comments from ATC if they hear a dog in the background). If that including racing around the vehicle like a maniac, put the dog in a travel container. If that includes hanging his head out the window and barking, either keep the window/canopy shut or be ready for stares and pointing while you taxi.

We've seen no indication that the noise bothers them, but I suppose that if you flew a lot with them, they could sustain the same type of hearing problems that pilots do without ear protection. I've heard of some folks putting cotton in their dog's ears -- personally, I'd hate to try it on ours (remember the last time you had to give your dog medicine?), and anyway, I think they'd dig it out as fast as they could. I've also seen the "Mutt Muffs" on the internet, but the dog wearing them in the picture looked ready to rip the arm off the person who put those things on his head.

Tranquilizers have never seemed necessary for our beasts, but I'd say that if their behavior in the car is such that you couldn't stand it in the plane, you'd best trank them. But experiment with this - you'd be amazed how those things affect a dog, and how long it takes to a) take effect, and b) wear off. When we shipped two dogs on TWA from England to the U.S., the airline required them to be crated and tranquilized. The vet gave us pills, and suggested half a pill for each dog (and these were both retrievers – not small dogs) a couple of hours before flight. We gave the dogs the pills, and there was no immediate effect. About an hour later, the dogs, well, melted. They just slowly sank into a heap and z'd out. We got to the airport and tried to give them one last walk to drain the sumps before flight. They walked up to this fire plug outside the terminal that had obviously been used by many other dogs for the same purpose, and sniffed it intently. Then they tried to make their final salute to the British Empire – and were unable to get a leg up without collapsing. The poor beasts just stood there, looking sadly at the fire hydrant, and then at us, as if to say, "I really want to, but I just can't do it." It then took two of us to stuff the virtually limp dogs into their crates.

As far as crates/restraints, again – judge by car experience. If the dog moves around too much to stand in a plane, you’d best either crate or restrain them. There are a number of restraints available for automotive use, and they should work fine in the plane, although our Black Lab would immediately set to chewing through such restraints – she was either loose or crated to the day she died. The other point is that an unsecured dog can become a missile hazard. We were cruising along in IMC over BDR with our Chocolate Lab Chewbacca. He was curled up in the back, sound asleep (as he normally did in cruise flight). We hit a downdraft and dropped about 50 feet. I looked back as we dropped, and saw a) daylight between the dog and the floor, b) two big yellow eyes the size of dinner plates, and c) four legs splayed out trying to find something on which to hold. Shortly after the airplane stopped descending, the dog caught up with a thump. Chewie spent the rest of the flight wide awake, trying desperately to dig in and hang on to the floor.

Cats are a whole ‘nother story. The worst one I heard was a guy ferrying his wife’s cat from NY to Florida in a Bonanza. Somewhere over North Carolina the uncontained cat got spooked and went crazy, tearing all over the cabin, clawing/scratching/biting him. By the time he got on the ground (after declaring an emergency), there was blood everywhere – all his. No way any live cat gets in my plane other than in one of those cat boxes.

As for the pressure changes, yes, I have noticed one effect. Some years back, we had Chewie in the back of the Cheetah as we climbed up to about 11,000 feet or so from sea level (summer day, looking for smooth air). We forgot how much methane gas is trapped in the digestive tract of a Labrador, and that the gas expands in volume as outside air pressure decreases, while the dog's gut is limited in size. Passing about 5000 he began to whimper and look uncomfortable. Passing about 8000 feet the smell hit us (gas only -- no solid waste). We turned around and he settling down, looking very satisfied. Fortunately, a Cheetah has a canopy that can be opened in flight, providing the necessary ventilation for us to survive.

Duke, a Golden Retriever, was my principal pooch passenger for several years in the Cougar. He thoroughly enjoyed going ANYwhere, and was a delight in the plane. When we arrive at the airport, he hopped up on the wing, and went right into the back seat where he sat up watching the world out the window until takeoff, and then sprawled across the back seats, snoozing until he felt the wheels go down. Then it was back up to that beautiful Golden Retriever sitting position for landing, watching out the window until we stopped, then out the door and down to see what there was new at this airport that he hadn’t seen before. But when we went back to the airplane, it was hippity-up onto the wing, and he was ready to fly again.

Of late, we have begun flying rescued Aussies for the Aussie Rescue Placement and Helpline (ARPH), making us the charter members of ARPHAir, of which Bill Greenburg was the second pilot, and others have now joined the effort. In that situation, not knowing the dogs, we mount a crate in the back of the plane (Grumman 4-seaters have flop-down rear seats) and that's where they go. After an hour or so in cruise, if the dog is relaxed, we may open the gate for a bit of reassuring petting, but if any doubts arise, the dog stays locked up. We had one who oozed his way into the front seat, and then wanted to sit in my lap while I was flying -- not cool. He got stuffed back in the crate and left there for the rest of the flight, during which he stared long and hard at the latch, trying to figure out how to open it. As far as sedation, I know that the effects of sedatives are increased with altitude, and without knowing for sure the effect on any given dog or the altitude at which we'll fly, we do not sedate them. We give specific instructions to that effect to the sending ARPH volunteer, and will not accept the dog if sedated (don't want a bad reaction at 7000 feet). We put the dog in the crate before engine start, and then see what happens when we crank. If the dog really freaked, that would be the end of the flight right there, but so far, there hasn't been a significant reaction.
It depends on the dog. The biggest thing is to remember that dogs are living creatures, like humans. They don't like turbulence, rapid climbs/descents, or high-g maneuvers.

I've had two dogs get sick on me while flying them, and another two urinate. This is one big advantage to flying the dogs in crates, because the crates will (in most cases) contain any messes. Most of the time the dogs are in crates, and if it's an issue for you you can request it. Personally, I don't care, so I've had dogs in the plane both in and out of crates.

In my experience, dogs are generally better passengers than humans. If they're out of crates, they'll probably move around to sniff and lick things a bit (like your headset), and then curl up and go to sleep for the duration of the flight.

Any other questions, let me know. I'm glad you're going to start doing flights for us!
I should add, I've flown a total of somewhere around 20-25 dogs for ARF since the beginning of November, so that puts the 4 total dogs that had some issues in perspective. Actually, 3 of those dogs were on one flight. They were all puppies, and I ended up doing a descent that was significantly steeper than I should have, which is what caused the issue. So, that was my fault. The 4th one was something of a fluke.
Everytime I read it I fall in love with Ron's post....from back in the yellow boards up to and including this day.

So here's my fun dog story:

I was flying with Piper as a new puppy to Gastons a few years ago. I had a few stops planned, once in Borger, Tx, once in K88 and overnight in Jefferson City, Mo with Mark Bell. Piper did very well on the first leg, which was approximately 2:15 in length. In Borger, he refused to go to the bathroom, so I figured all was good.

About halfway to K88, he started whining and looking for an escape route. I was nowhere near an airport, and suddenly I smelled it....unlike Ron's story of no waste, unfortunately, Piper had let loose, and the nerves combined with everything else made it liquid....and it was EVERYWHERE. I tried to open the little window on the pilot side of the plane (it was a Cherokee) to let the smell go away, but it just drew the smell across my nose, and I determined I was better off with the window closed.

So I pressed on to K88, an agonizing 1.5 more hours (the total leg was slightly over 3 hours), and when I landed I immediately took Piper out of the plane and tied him to the wing (as I usually did). I ran into the abandoned FBO and found paper towels and some cleaner and went to town on the mess. Piper was visibly upset by the whole ordeal, and I can't blame him, he had just gotten house trained recently, and now he had to spend the last 1.5 hours in his own filth.

Since it was new leather (!!!!!), the mess cleaned up pretty well, although the smell remained for the rest of the time in Gastons and didn't go away until I got back to Albuquerque.

After that day, until he got older and I got smarter with shorter legs, he always traveled in a crate.
My dog has flown from CT to FL (3-3 1/2 hr legs max) 3 times with no problems. He LOVES to fly - after landing, he "does his thing", has some water & is anxious to get back in the plane.

We got him a set of Mutt Muffs & he wears them without any hassle. He looks out the window until we're about 3000 ft, then lies down with a bone or a toy until we come back to about 3000 ft & he's up again looking out the window. Think he's more accurate than my altimeter sometimes.

Peter Donofrio
We've seen no indication that the noise bothers them, but I suppose that if you flew a lot with them, they could sustain the same type of hearing problems that pilots do without ear protection. I've heard of some folks putting cotton in their dog's ears -- personally, I'd hate to try it on ours (remember the last time you had to give your dog medicine?), and anyway, I think they'd dig it out as fast as they could. I've also seen the "Mutt Muffs" on the internet, but the dog wearing them in the picture looked ready to rip the arm off the person who put those things on his head.

Dunno about that picture. But in general, you can con a dog into wearing just about anything. My wife made a "Little Red Riding Hood" costume for one of the girls, and the Collie got to be the "big bad wolf in grandma's clothes" including a hat and glasses. Just take it a little at a time at home, make a big deal about it, and give them lots of treats. After a while the dog gets excited as soon as the "stuff" comes out. Our Lab wears hats all the time.
As a few of you already may know I'll be flying for Animal rescue flights shortly(Thanks to Ted), As I quote from their website, "Animal Rescue Flights (ARF) promotes, plans, and performs the transportation of animals from overcrowded shelters where they face certain death to other parts of the country where qualified families are waiting to adopt them." It's a wonderful cause that I will certainly do but my question is do I need to expect anything to fly dogs? such as... Do they get airsick? etc.

I have flown with my dog twice. She is a 2 y/o Pekinese. She flew with me and my wife from NJ to FL and again from NJ to Tennesse with me alone. She did not get airsick and one flight was quite rough thanks to being on the backside of a cold front near the mountains. The FL trip she was on a blanket in the backseat and in a crate on the TN trip. At first she panted and looked miserable (i assume from the noise). After about 45 minutes she just fell asleep or rested. These trips were done in no more than 3 or 3 1/2 hour legs.

Save your money on the Mutt Muffs they sell online. The dog shakes them off immediately and even when she doesn't I don't believe they are tight enough or constructed well enough to truly mitigate the sound. I will give you that they look cute on the dog and they make a great picture...but that's it.

In summary, it depends on the dog's personality. I suggest highly to put them in a crate with a soft blanket and fly no more than 3 hour legs.

I forgot to add - Piper doesn't like super turbulence. I used to keep him belted down until I realized that in an accident, I'd rather him be able to get out of the plane easily without me being stuck trying to unbuckle him....

So that means he floats a lot in heavy turbulence, and he does NOT like that at all.
Valentine flies great- jumps in and settles down just like a car trip, and (like Peter's dog above), she knows by altitude when we're "almost there," and wakes up and looks out then. Only barfed once, and I think that was because we dared to bring the cat along, as well.