Fly Fishing Fly in Taos NM


Nov 28, 2010
Dallas, TX
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I've been thinking about having a Fly Fishing fly in. I have a place there and I'm a member of a club that has access to a lot of private water. Mostly on the Culebra River near San Louis Colorado. It's about a 50-60 minute drive from my place, awesome fishing. I am thinking a long weekend late August early September. I have quite a bit of space and we have a lot of local places as well. So I thought I'd kick off an exploratory thread and see if there is any interest, feasibility, hassles, whatever, thoughts?

If any of you have done this and it turned into a goat rodeo, don't be shy about saying so either.
Taos seems like the right base for a Culebra trip. It has fuel and light maintenance, and it's easy to get in and out. Questa is closer, but it's just a strip of concrete with no facilities whatsoever. Angel Fire is no closer than Taos, and may be tricky with crosswinds. Alamosa is even further away, and there's no straight road to Culebra. So, yeah, I agree with Taos.
Do you fish with Van?
Taos seems like the right base for a Culebra trip. It has fuel and light maintenance, and it's easy to get in and out. Questa is closer, but it's just a strip of concrete with no facilities whatsoever. Angel Fire is no closer than Taos, and may be tricky with crosswinds. Alamosa is even further away, and there's no straight road to Culebra. So, yeah, I agree with Taos.

Taos has the free lodging, which also helps.

There's an old airstrip right in San Louis, but you better bring a Cub with tundra tires, that thing looks rough.
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Do you fish with Van?

Yup. He's the man that wrote the book.:)

If we get this thing together I'll see if he'll come out and show us some stuff. Usually he goes to Wyoming in the late summer so it will probably just come down to timing.
There's an old airstrip right in San Louis, but you better bring a Cub with tundra tires, that thing looks rough.
NMPA is trying to reopen some old airstrips in the area, or at least tried under Joyce Woods. USFS seems to be ok with it if we work with neighbours about good-neighbour policies such as noise curfews. I think I heard about San Louis as a candidate. The one I was going to help was a bit to the west of Culebra though, IIRC.
NMPA is trying to reopen some old airstrips in the area, or at least tried under Joyce Woods. USFS seems to be ok with it if we work with neighbours about good-neighbour policies such as noise curfews. I think I heard about San Louis as a candidate. The one I was going to help was a bit to the west of Culebra though, IIRC.

I'm talking about the one just North of Highway 159 as you come into San Luis from NM. If this is the place your thinking about, a branch of the Culebra runs just to the North of it.
I wanted to get my feet wet (pun intended) with fly-fishing this year, but buying a house got in the way. I hope to be able to go up into the foothills of the Smokies and search for some brookies this fall.

I love the idea of a Fly Fishing Fly In, but I doubt I could make it to NM this year. If it becomes an annual gig, though, I would love to try to plan for it next year.
I wanted to get my feet wet (pun intended) with fly-fishing this year, but buying a house got in the way. I hope to be able to go up into the foothills of the Smokies and search for some brookies this fall.

I love the idea of a Fly Fishing Fly In, but I doubt I could make it to NM this year. If it becomes an annual gig, though, I would love to try to plan for it next year.

Get out there and give it a try. It's really good for the soul.

I don't know about an annual gig yet since I don't have any takers this year, but if you ever want to come my way we can always find a good spot to fish.