FlightAware's new Flight Planner


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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What do you guys think of FlightAware.com's new free Flight Planner? How's it compare to FltPln?

Now that you can file your flight plan with the FAA, that's pretty cool.


According to their FAQ, support for mobile devices is coming "soon", too:


One thing I couldn't find is how to get it to show me things I'd usually retrieve from DUATS; weather, notams, etc. The flight planner page and chart bundles at the end are nice.
I think the planner itself is pretty cool as well but for me still is short many features that
I use on fltplan for weather, faxing fbo request etc..I will still stick with fltplan
Looks kinda cool. Cleaner interface than Fltplan, but I sure have become fond of how well Fltplan actually works. Bears watching...
Looks kinda cool. Cleaner interface than Fltplan, but I sure have become fond of how well Fltplan actually works. Bears watching...

Is that as in "When Bears fly?".

26°F here, very little snow on the ground(none from the Atlantic Coast disaster).

Off the slopes and now awaiting the big game.

According to their FAQ, support for mobile devices is coming "soon", too:

Boy, I sure hope that their mobile support is better than their iPhone app is. One of the worst iPhone apps I've ever seen - Completely useless, crashed frequently, and really just didn't work at all. Their web site works far better on the iPhone than the app did! :eek:
I set up my performance data and each time I tried to schedule a flight it stated a valid altitude was unable to be located or some such statement. I tried moving the altitude bar around but that didn't help. :dunno:

I'm going back to fltpln. :yesnod:
I use Fltplan's canned performance data. It seems as if there is no such thing on Flightaware.
I used their canned performance data for the C172S... what aircraft type were you trying?
C680. It wanted me to enter data from the AFM for all altitudes which would be an all-day project I'm sure.

FlightAware said:
In order to enter your aircraft's performance tables you will need to supply a list of the weights, temperatures, and altitudes that are listed for this profile.
For each of the three fields below, provide a space-separated list of each value present in the table from your aircraft's handbook. These will then be used to structure a matrix of performance values for you to enter. The matrix will reflect every combination of the three items below.
Same thing I got for a P28.

FlightAware has performance tables for more than 100 models of more than 70 aircraft types. FA's flight planner uses in the vicinity of 20X to 40X the performance data as fltplan's. For instance, FlightAware interpolates temperature tables with forecast winds and temperatures aloft and does weight calculations that fltplan does not, resulting in more accurate planning.

Also you can fax, mail or email the performance tables from your POH and FlightAware will enter them for you at no charge. And the planner already has six variants for the PA28.

Karl Lehenbauer
FlightAware has performance tables for more than 100 models of more than 70 aircraft types. FA's flight planner uses in the vicinity of 20X to 40X the performance data as fltplan's. For instance, FlightAware interpolates temperature tables with forecast winds and temperatures aloft and does weight calculations that fltplan does not, resulting in more accurate planning.

Also you can fax, mail or email the performance tables from your POH and FlightAware will enter them for you at no charge. And the planner already has six variants for the PA28.

Karl Lehenbauer

Hi Karl, good to have you on here. I think I probably met you and Daniel Baker when I took a tour of your facility with a WAI group a couple of years ago. I was the bald guy with a goatee. Thanks for the inside scoop!
I just used it to plan and file a flight. I had previously uploaded all of my planes performance info into flightware when they had the previous version of the flight planner. This is really slick!!! I use flight aware a lot, not just for my GA flights but also my tracking of 121 flights to meet people are even tell if I am going to be delayed as you can see what time the dispatcher filled for.
FlightAware has performance tables for more than 100 models of more than 70 aircraft types. FA's flight planner uses in the vicinity of 20X to 40X the performance data as fltplan's. For instance, FlightAware interpolates temperature tables with forecast winds and temperatures aloft and does weight calculations that fltplan does not, resulting in more accurate planning.

Also you can fax, mail or email the performance tables from your POH and FlightAware will enter them for you at no charge. And the planner already has six variants for the PA28.

Karl Lehenbauer

That, my friends, is how service starts!

Welcome to PoA, Karl. You had a cool product before, I'll look forward to playing around with the Flight Planner.
