I've done this flight many many times, I've even done it in N384W! I *once* flew west of the Sierras and crossed at the FRA VOR and I swore never again.. granted that trip had other challenges, including moderate ice (thanks max mode!), 50+ knots winds aloft with turbulence, and plenty of IMC with a missed approach into MMH and a landing at my alternate Bishop. That trip was a good learning experience for me... Otherwise **IF** the ceilings are high enough, I much more highly recommend going up Owens Valley. If R2505, R2515, and R2506 are open you can cruise right up, otherwise just stay between them and the mountains. Assuming they're closed my route usually goes something like:
MYF - coastal route - MHV - IYK - O26 - 2O7 - BIH - MMH
^that route is easy, is mostly a straight line, you have several alternate options, rental cars at IYK and Bishop, and in my experience the ceilings stay high. The winds can still give you a jostle, but I've stayed around 9,5 and 10,5 and avoid the middle of the valley.. I get the smoothest rides up going up on the western edge of the valley. If you stay west of the Sierras you're basically screwed if you can't cross at FRA for whatever reason. You also pass a fair amount of "let's really not pull the chute here" terrain, esp in the winter. Any issues in Owens you're going to either make it to an airport or probably just walk to the 395.. might even still be able to continue your ski trip
And now for gratuitous photo time, sunset facing southwest from Owens Valley, Lake Isabella is somewhere up there in that photo.. you'll notice I opted for a lower cruise (65%) as we still had jolts headed south
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