Flight Guide?

Flight Guide does have it's own apps.

But the information is generally already there in most of the major apps like FF, WX, and GP.

What Flight Guide offered before everyone had the flight apps was a well put together, well formated, and easy to use "uber-A/FD". Very useful in its day.

But now all the other majors have pretty much taken its place.
I used to carry a flight guide back before all the information was available on the web and way before the gps programs with all the airport info. Great tool but a bit out dated at this point. They have been trying to re-market themselves as an on line tool the last few years. Their books were smallish and very thick but they had Jeppeson type plastic markers where you could bookmark the airports where you were flying. The format for all airports was standardized which made figuring thing out very easy.
I used to carry a flight guide back before all the information was available on the web and way before the gps programs with all the airport info. Great tool but a bit out dated at this point.
Exactly. I used to be a huge fan of Flight Guide....and then came ForeFlight.
I still have mine stuck away in an old flight bag. Probably haven't been updated for 20 years though.