Flight Club Expenses Apps?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 4, 2013
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John McManigle
Hi all,

Anyone use / recommend an app to keep track of very basic flight club finances? We have 3-4 owners on a single piston plane (no note) which we generally run with a wet rate. We all pay that rate, deduct fuel, and then at the end of each year or so, tally up expenses and divide the overage between the members.

It works all right, but mostly on the back of the guy who has to do all the totaling and float any funds in the meantime, and leaves us a little in the dark about what exact expenses etc were for the last couple of years when we're getting ready to sell a share.

Wondering if there's something out there that handles this well, or if I should just write something. Most "club apps" I see seem to focus on scheduling and maintenance (fair enough, but we have such low utilization that we just put trips on a google calendar) rather than the financial side.

Would be interested to know if anyone uses an app that takes care of this kind of thing well.

I just use Excel for our 15 member club.

Aircraft club for scheduling. $8 a month
Would be interested to know if anyone uses an app that takes care of this kind of thing well.
I was recently voluntold I was the club treasurer for our 15 person club with an Archer. We use a mix of Flight Schedule Pro (FSP) and Quickbooks (QB) for account and being able to pay on-line. Frankly, at this point I'm not sure why I need QB but I'm only two months into the job. FSP is OK, but has some buggy stuff in it. Lots of broken training links and sketchy documentation but does OK. 1% for handling on-line bank transfers and that's OK for me.
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I'm not on the admin side of our club at all but we use FlightCircle. Seems very straight-forward and easy to use. Although, our leadership hasn't allowed any sort of electronic payment yet so we have to pay by check. It's rumored they'll allow it soon and FlightCircle is equipped to do that easily.
I thought the first rule of Flight Club was: You do not talk about Flight Club...?
You want to fly and keep track of the accurate costs? I thought you wanted to fly….