Ravioli's True Story Time:
When I worked for a chemical company we shipped adhesives in tanker trucks. Most of them were single compartment but multi compartment was common for customers who needed smaller quantities of two products.
"Leon the loader" had a consistent problem overfilling (aka spilling) tank trucks. It was messy and expensive and it kept happening.
The plant manager asked him after his last problem, "tell me how you loaded this truck." He said he confirmed the tank was empty and dry, the bottom valves were closed, he put the stinger in, he traced the lines all the way back to the tank, started the pump, and went to the break room for 20 minutes as usual.
Plant manager tells him this was a two holer, does that change anything? "Nope"
So he takes him to the lab and gets a pint jar and a quart jar and asks Leon time him as he fills each. One took longer, don't ya know.
He asks Leon, "Why did the pint jar fill up so much quicker"
Leon says "You held it closer to the faucet."
Leon stayed on with the company for 10 more years. Turns out he was an EXCELLENT janitor.