Fixed wing microlight training in NJ?

Zahid Ahsan

Filing Flight Plan
Mar 25, 2022
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Hi all, I’ve recently moved to Piscataway from England.. I have scheduled a trial flight with Tri State Aviation in central jersey as I want to pursue my PPL since I can’t find any option for NPPL training here. (Light sport aircraft?)

In England they have something called an NPPL which is a mini version of the PPL in a fixed wing microlight. Interesting that fixed wing microlights dont seem to exist here and no flying school offers a license in them. (such as the evektor eurostar) In the UK that is very common and cheaper to do a license in them rather than a full PPL. If anyone knows any schools in NJ that offer these then please let me know. I think it’s called a sport pilots license in the US. A full PPL seems overkill for me just to fly recreationally.

Any help appreciated!

Yes, LSA is roughly the equivalent of European microlights and the Sport Pilot certificate is roughly the equivalent of your NPPL. Then there's ultralight, which requires no license at all.

LSA includes what you call microlights up to light aircraft like Piper Cub, Taylorcraft, etc, while ultralights run from paramotors (PPG) up to small fixed wing and weightshift aircraft.

There is a Cub available for instruction at Aeroflex-Andover airport so you can probably do SP training there, and also at Solberg-Hunterdon, Old Bridge, and probably others.
Hi Dana. thanks.. I have contacted both Solberg and Old Bridge as well as others but they have all stopped doing that sport license now as it wasnt popular and sold their fixed wing microlight aircraft. :( Looks like I will have to go for the full PPL then. Choices for that are tri state aviation in hillsborogh or soblerg flight school, or princeton. I have booked discovery flights in tri state and solberg. Choices are to do it in a 152 or a 172. Cost is approx the same. Just need a good instructor and flexibility.