For Sale: Aircraft Five planes for sale (last post ever)


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 11, 2015
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Here is the last post ever for I am in the process for joining the Marine Corps, and can no longer make this site a priority.

POA is where I got the site started; thanks so much for accepting the site and allowing me to work on this platform.

Here is the link to the last post:
Thank you in advance for your service. Good luck in the Corps.
It's been nice seeing them. Thanks for the posts...and for your service.
best of luck to ya! thanks for posting plane porn.
Enjoyed your posts,congrats on serving your country,stay safe.
Good luck in the corp. Maybe we'll be in the same AOR sometime soon.

As far as your site is concerned, you might consider keeping it, just in case you want to re-start it sometime in the future.
Good luck in the corp. Maybe we'll be in the same AOR sometime soon.

As far as your site is concerned, you might consider keeping it, just in case you want to re-start it sometime in the future.

Absolutely! I'll be backing up data for sure.
Best of luck to you Calvin!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed looking at the airplanes each week, since you began it.
Good luck and keep your head down. Contrary to popular belief, the recruit's job is not to act as a bullet stopper.

Oh, and my other Marine friends tell me the red crayons taste best. Go Navy. ;);):p:p:p
Thanks for your service! I've always enjoyed your posts.
Congrats! You get flight school?
Good luck and keep your head down. Contrary to popular belief, the recruit's job is not to act as a bullet stopper.

Oh, and my other Marine friends tell me the red crayons taste best. Go Navy. ;);):p:p:p
Crayon eating is what I'm most excited about. I guess I could eat crayons by myself, but I'd rather be around others who share my passion!
Thanks for all the well wishes guys! I'll keep in contact in other parts of the forum.
Good luck and thanks for your decision to serve. The experience will never leave you.
When I saw the thread title, I thought you were mad about something. I live in an Air Force city, and I think military is a great way to go. Good luck with the Marines!
When I saw the thread title, I thought you were mad about something. I live in an Air Force city, and I think military is a great way to go. Good luck with the Marines!
The only thing I'm mad about is the existence of ISIS... and whenever I have to pre-flight an airplane in a filthy hangar with a nice shirt on.

But in all seriousness. Thank you! I'm really excited.