Five Generations in One Picture


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Feb 27, 2005
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Spike Cutler
OK, it's only two, but there just aren't that many pictures showing a Great-Great-Grandmother and her Great-Great-Grandchild.

My wife, Celia's, Grandmother Lillian Todd Cox, along with her great-great-granddaughter, Quinn. Grandmother will be 111 years old in February.


  • Lillian Cox and Little Quinny.jpg
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111.....Wow!!! You sure don't see that very much.
I managed to get a four generation picture with my grandfather, father and son before my grandfather passed. My son was around six months old at the time. I thought it was pretty cool getting four generations, but five is amazing.
Wow indeed! Last year I got a four generations picture with my mom and my daughter and grandson all 30 years apart, ages 0,30,60 and 90. No hope for five in our family.
Holy crap, 111! And she looks great!

I thought my mom did good at 101. We have a 5 generation pic of her at her 100th BD party. It was cool.
I have some 4 generations pics around somewhere.
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Wow... awesome..!!!

I barely knew my mothers parents, and my dads parents were gone before I came along.

Seems my family kind of stretches things out. My great grandfather was in the civil war as a 10 year old drummer boy.
Great genes! My grandmother did pretty well at 94. Dad is 89 now and still going strong. So hopefully I got those genes.
Quite impressive! Ms. Cox looks extremely alert and 'with it.' Congratulations.
Wonderful photo! WOW! Great genes in that family to be 111 years old and look that good! Health and Happiness to all 5 generations!
We had 5 generations for a while, through one of my cousins. She had kids young, one at 18. Her two kids had kids young as well.

That won’t happen with me. We only have 3 generations alive through me. Our kids are 19, 21 and 27 (step-daughter). The younger two are still in college and currently no boyfriends. The oldest lives with her boyfriend, they got a place this year. No plans on kids anytime soon for them either; she says he’s already like taking care of a kid. :rolleyes:
Wow, great photo Spike! When our daughter was born, the greats had already passed, and at age 15 only has one grandfather left. :-(
Enjoy the family moments!
My grandmother lived to be 101, she died 2 years ago. We got a great 5 generation picture at her 100th birthday party.
My wife's MOTHER just turned 100, but all we can do with that side is 4 generations. Slackers.

one of my great-great grandfathers and all my greats were still alive when I was born, and they died within 2 years of each other. I was 12 when the last one passed.
I used to love talking to them about the "olden days".
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Here she is ten years ago - when she still lived alone in Tallahassee, and still drove.

Lillian Todd Cox slipped away quietly in her sleep today.

Well, she made it to 111 and almost six months. Trading stories with Mother and other heavenly family members, now.

It was always cool, having a 101 year-old drive to the airport in Tallahassee to pick us up when we flew there...
Rest in peace Lillian Todd Cox.

I am sorry I never met her, she looked like a real unique lady.
Spike, I am sorry for your loss - but wow, what a life! Quite a blessing.
Wow 111! So sorry for your loss.
Spike, I am really sorry to hear this for you but as you indicated to me several times, she was ready to go awhile back so for her, I am happy.
Spike, I’m sorry for your loss. And I’ll raise a glass to Lillian for a life well lived!
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Sorry for your loss, 111 is almost unthinkable to me and most people. Sounds like she enjoyed her life and I’m sure outlasted all her friends and younger relatives. I have a friend whose mom is 96 and in ok health, she just doesn’t have any friends left.
Sorry for your loss. My grandmother turns 101 later this year, I am pretty sure it is going to become an annual trip to see her on her birthday.

Sorry to hear the news, Spike. But 111, wow!
Sorry for your loss. My grandmother turns 101 later this year, I am pretty sure it is going to become an annual trip to see her on her birthday.

Worth doing. We started celebrating my grandmother's birthday (with everyone present) every year starting around 90. She made it to 94. I also saw her once or twice a year beyond that, and mom went down another couple times a year. She lived about 400 miles away so the visits weren't especially frequent.
Worth doing. We started celebrating my grandmother's birthday (with everyone present) every year starting around 90. She made it to 94. I also saw her once or twice a year beyond that, and mom went down another couple times a year. She lived about 400 miles away so the visits weren't especially frequent.

It has been pretty much every other year for about thirty years, but 2000 miles away. We went for her 100th birthday, otherwise was summer family reunion.

Now when teaching airspace we can say “Five Lilians” since none of the kids have ever seen an F-111 anywhere but in a museum anyway. :)
Sorry for your loss, 111 is almost unthinkable to me and most people. Sounds like she enjoyed her life and I’m sure outlasted all her friends and younger relatives. I have a friend whose mom is 96 and in ok health, she just doesn’t have any friends left.

My mom is 86, and all her friends in her age group have passed on. All of her immediate family as well except for me and nieces and nephews. She is the last one in our family left of her generation.

She is afraid all her friends are in heaven wondering where she went...
Lillian Todd Cox slipped away quietly in her sleep today.

Well, she made it to 111 and almost six months. Trading stories with Mother and other heavenly family members, now.

It was always cool, having a 101 year-old drive to the airport in Tallahassee to pick us up when we flew there...
Sorry to hear of your loss, Spike. May she rest in peace and may you and your family find comfort knowing that you had many years to spend time with her (and that she's in a better place).
Spike, what a blessing that your family had such a long time with your grandmother. Celebrate the life she lived.