First-world problems

L J Donelson

Pre-takeoff checklist
Jun 6, 2021
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L J Donelson
I received the following three texts from three different friends each in different cities; about 40 minutes apart this afternoon. Each innocuous and each unrelated to the other. Yet, I was struck by the realization these are definitely first-world problems.

“Hey, saw you called.. I've been out shopping with <wife> and have a new phone so I don't know what my ringtones are these days lol”

“Funny story. I-cut up strawberry’s and filled a mason jar with vodka. It said to place it in a cool dark place. I took it downstairs and put it in a dresser drawer. This was weeks ago(3). I forgot about it and found it today when I was cleaning my work area. At first I didn’t remember what it was and thought what the heck is this jar. And then I remembered what it was. It’s pretty good and I am enjoying.

“Just saw that I haven't followed up on this. So sorry. I would suggest K<xxx>. K<xxx> (where I work) is cray cray but might work if I can get you parking (and maybe gas)so you won't have to pay FBO prices. I'll make enquiries.”

Note: <wife> and K<xxx> are my edits to protect the innocent.

I feel certain that POA members have similar emails and texts highlighting the real struggle to make life happen each day. Perhaps you could share so we might better understand. It could even be therapeutic for you to lighten the burden through sharing your own (or others') struggle.

And go.
I was starting to like you until now ... :D

That was a text sent to me yesterday, by an old friend from when we were kids. She is unhappy with her current situation, town, job, boyfriend, and living arrangements.
I suggested moving to Vanderhoof, housing is cheaper, plenty of jobs available, and a nice slow pace of life.

She said that she couldn't live where there was no Starbucks or McDonald's.

I don't actually live in Vanderhoof, am about 20 minutes NW of it, but close enough.
It's also about 20 minutes to Fort St. James from here at the farm, but its even smaller than Vanderhoof.

To me that is such a 1st world problem, not wanting to live somewhere because it lacks a McDonald's and Starbucks.
Employee of mine went to the same restaurant as me for dinner only they were finishing as I got there.

"Avoid the scallops. Sent mine back because they tasted like and smelled like ammonia"

That's a Texas size 10-4!
Some years ago sitting at home, either a Friday or Saturday night, a little after 11pm, enjoying a glass of wine and a favorite movie, all comfortable on my couch.

Ding....text message... ''your (sic) late''

Me: ignore

5 minutes later...Ding. ''you are in big trouble mister''

Me: ignore

5 minutes later....ding. ''I know you are getting these text so don't ignore me''

Me: check number

Ding: ''OMG I am so sorry''

Me: No problem. Don't be too hard on him, I used to stay out late and I turned out Ok :lol:
That was a text sent to me yesterday, by an old friend from when we were kids. She is unhappy with her current situation, town, job, boyfriend, and living arrangements.
I suggested moving to Vanderhoof, housing is cheaper, plenty of jobs available, and a nice slow pace of life.

She said that she couldn't live where there was no Starbucks or McDonald's.

I seriously wasn't being serious ... in fact I was just having some Starbucks "Breakfast Blend" from the Keurig. :)

I've never been to BC but a man that worked for me years ago retired and returned to Vanderhoof. He talked about how beautiful it was. From what I know about it from reading & photos it would be an excellent place to live although the winters might be a bit brutal (at least for a southerner).
I seriously wasn't being serious ... in fact I was just having some Starbucks "Breakfast Blend" from the Keurig. :)

I've never been to BC but a man that worked for me years ago retired and returned to Vanderhoof. He talked about how beautiful it was. From what I know about it from reading & photos it would be an excellent place to live although the winters might be a bit brutal (at least for a southerner).

It is a good place to live, and for raising my daughter.

I want to spend about 5 months a year living beside a lake in BC, and the rest of the year in Baja Mexico.
Summers are too hot there, but beside Cluculz lake, or Stuart lake would be perfect.
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Annoying but trivial problem? Fortunately that seems to be most of them lately. Right now it's that I have something living under the back porch. When that was a squirrel in the ceiling of the garage, that was pretty simple. Problem is gone, squirrel is very much gone. But after setting up a camera to see what my porch tenant is, I find out it's one or more rabbits. Unlike Elmer Fudd, I don't want to sing Wagner or kill the rabbit. So I need to figure out a way to relocate the rabbit family. Highly annoying, but definitely a first world problem.
I’ve seen much of that in the 2&3 world, minus the FBO part.

First world is paying more than 5 third world families makes, in taxes, but having the police say “it’s a civil matter” when you’re a victim of a crime, or the whole experience of trying to call the FAA.
$5 per person for good service, and nothing for bad service.
You're welcome for clearing this up.
I didn't wear socks yesterday.
I have lived in this house for 14 years without an air conditioner.

Yesterday I put a window A/C unit in the bedroom, and slept comfortably and soundly.

Life is hard here in the high desert....
Is that a covert shot at POA? :rofl::rofl:

actually no. I realize that it might be surprising that I was serious.

Fertilizer used for farming has a very different price structure than that use for fertilzer for planting those 6 tomato plants in pots.
actually no. I realize that it might be surprising that I was serious.

Fertilizer used for farming has a very different price structure than that use for fertilzer for planting those 6 tomato plants in pots.

Yep! I don't farm but have some family that dabbles a bit. This economy has gone nuts but it seems to me that farmers have been getting the short end for a long time now ...
actually no. I realize that it might be surprising that I was serious.

Fertilizer used for farming has a very different price structure than that use for fertilzer for planting those 6 tomato plants in pots.

Almost 3300 acres planted, mostly hay, but some corn, potatoes, and raspberries to.
yup - knew that you weren't a city slicker
Let's see if this is going to work...

Nope. Okay, so I've been... let's back up here.

I watch TV for exactly one hour and three minutes. Well, One hour and three to five minutes. One hour of cardio on the elliptical machine plus whatever additional I need to meet my target calorie burn goal. The TV is in front of me. It is usually tuned in to true crime.

They have been showing advertisements for commercial chicken feed. Purdue chicken feed to be exact. I don't get it. They are advertising to the wrong demographic. The nearest chicken farm is about two hours south of here in Livingston. Foster Farms and Tyson. Every chicken product consumed in the state of California* originated from one of those two chicken farms. Absolutely NOBODY north of the San Joaquin valley (or for that matter south, or east or west) CARES about what the chickens are eating, much less do they have a say in what they are fed. It seems pointless. It's like trying to sell combines to New York cabbies. Those that COULD potentially be influenced by commercial chicken feed ads are so few in number that it seems pointless to have a TV ad campaign, when it would be far cheaper to send marketing personnel directly to the top twenty corporate executives at the two respective chicken ranches.

*For all intents and purposes. I'm sure there are some indy poultrists out there that ply the local markets, but they are hippies that smoke dope and they probably don't even own a television set, and if they did, they would view the commercial as evidence that the feed company is a greedy evil malfeasance spreading capitalistic terrorism over our kind, gentle and obedient nation of non-threatening beings of no specific gender and what is binary anyway that went away with Steve Jobs
I live in a farming and forestry industry town, but rarely see advertisements for either. An occasional ad for Kioti or Kubota tractors, but both of those companies only make small tractors anyway.
When the big green one finally goes down be careful:

Got a flat tire on my quad, put a plug in it, refilled with air, and still leaks slowly.
So just ordered 4 new tires, as they are all in need of replacement anyway.