Not a CFI, but. . .SoCal, early 70s, a USAF aero club instructor ask me "what is the worst thing that can happen in this airplane?"
I said an inadvertant spin - later we were doing the stall series (C-150). You see where this is going, right?
So he stomped rudder just at the break, and over we went - he laughed and asked me "what are you gonna do now?"
I had read book or two, so I "reduced the angle of attack". I did so by shoving the yoke straight into the panel, as fast and as far as it would go. And adding full opposite (i think) rudder. SoCal kept rotating, though the view seemed radically altered. It was very quiet for a bit, while as he sorted it out, and we recovered from inverted. That was the first time I tried to kill a CFI. I'm not certain exactly what the airplane did, but they were able to use it again. . .