Finally, A CFI and a Cub J3


Line Up and Wait
Mar 6, 2005
Avon Connecticut
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My dream plane has always been the venerable Piper Cub J3. Ever since I was 8 years old watching the flying farmer at Rhinebeck Aerodrome the J3 was been at the heart of most of my aviation fantasies. But finding a J3 to rent was never going to happen, and as I found out, even finding a CFI with a J3 was going to be next to impossible. Well, I found one close by and have the first lesson schedule for this weekend. Got my tail-wheel endorsement last summer but that was in a Citabria. I expect a J3 is going to be rather different. My Navy Pilot Dad calls it a flying lawn mower.

Now I need to find a nice J3 project plane.
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Ken Ibold said:
Fly a J3 and you'll go back to the Citabria.

Must be why the one and only brief period during which I flew a Citabria was when I couldn't find a J-3 Cub...
Ken Ibold said:
Fly a J3 and you'll go back to the Citabria.

Having flown only a Cub and not a Citabria, I would have to agree with you.
Finally got up. WOW, Slow Sloppy and Really Really fun to fly. From hand cranking to only three instruments it was a real experience. I have new found respect for people that learned to fly in the old stick and rudder cub days.

No radio or intercom only added to the fun. The thing I noticed the most was how quickly I could dangerously over-bank the turn and how much stick it took to get it level again. Anyway, at $90 an hour including the instructor I'm going to make this a regular summer lesson.
corjulo said:
Finally got up. WOW, Slow Sloppy and Really Really fun to fly. From hand cranking to only three instruments it was a real experience. I have new found respect for people that learned to fly in the old stick and rudder cub days.

No radio or intercom only added to the fun. The thing I noticed the most was how quickly I could dangerously over-bank the turn and how much stick it took to get it level again. Anyway, at $90 an hour including the instructor I'm going to make this a regular summer lesson.
Isn't it fun! And don't you love that fuel gauge?

I went up in a J3 in January, and it was quite air-conditioned. The wide cracks around the door also made sight-seeing easy. I look forward to next winter -- the owner is putting skis on it, and we'll be able to land on the snow. :)
corjulo said:
Finally got up. WOW, Slow Sloppy and Really Really fun to fly. From hand cranking to only three instruments it was a real experience. I have new found respect for people that learned to fly in the old stick and rudder cub days.

No radio or intercom only added to the fun. The thing I noticed the most was how quickly I could dangerously over-bank the turn and how much stick it took to get it level again. Anyway, at $90 an hour including the instructor I'm going to make this a regular summer lesson.

The Cub was my trainer and in the spring and summer it was great to take the door off and just enjoy. When I worked at the airport the rate to for the cub was $8.00 Solo and $12.00 Dual. My lessons came at the end of the day for I was a non revenue student so I flew after all the revenue students. That was the joy of beng an "Airport Kid" . It is a great stick and rudder plane. The Champ was easier to fly but the Cub with the door off was the best.

John J