I don't know you, or you ex. However, the way you're presenting this makes me want to believe your ex. And that is without ever having met her.
You seem to keep harping about what SHE has done to YOU.
But, it is enough for an employer to not what to maintain you in their employ. Ok, by itself that could be.
But, it is enough to cause an AME not to want to continue talking with you. Ok, by itself that could be.
But, you now say "I know this because she did the same type action to me with her ex". Ok, but I thought she was a mastermind. If you know you're being used, not really a mastermind.
Now, you're trying to get us to discuss how to get revenge on her (AND your former employer).
if i hold evidence of these twos corraboration in working in concert together to fabricate a reason to tell the AME i have unreported histories of all these conditions, what legal realm would this violate?
Yeah, I'm really not getting the vibe that you're the innocent one here.
Don't misunderstand. I have no problem accepting that you BELIEVE you're the innocent one, what with being betrayed by all of these people picking on you and all. However, I think an impartial investigation would show that indeed they have valid grounds for their behavior.
But, I'm sure you'll find a way to say that she has turned my head too.