Fairchild Videos

"Whoops... sorry...!"
Take your time; fly her safely, and be sure to show us the video of the maiden flight!!:yes:

THe guy who took the last video, stopped the camera just as the tail came up. I have had the tail up several times and am as steady as a rock holding the center line up to 40 mph, and must I be carefull or she wil fly when I set it down again. She is ready...... I am ready ....... we'll do it soon..

The first taxi out and runway run was my son In Law he has never flown a TD. we swapped seats at te top of the hill after the first run, I did not know for sure he could handle the run down hill. all the rest of the videos are me at the stick..
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So awesome.
It looks and sounds beautiful Tom. What a fantastic project.
The first taxi out and runway run was my son In Law he has never flown a TD. we swapped seats at te top of the hill after the first run, I did not know for sure he could handle the run down hill. all the rest of the videos are me at the stick..
Can't wait to see the first flight video, Tom. And I am glad you have abandoned the unusual taxi technique you used several times when bringing the Fairchild home. :rolleyes:
