FAA Management got torqued when there were children in the tower...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
but apparently it's OK for TSA to have children doing the checkpoint duties....


Another point it seems to me is that if flying is so dangerous we have to be groping people, why are they allowing children to do their job of checking travelers? When I was checking in for my flight in State College, PA Thursday morning, I presented my ID and boarding pass to a young man I would guess was about eight years old. You can see him with the "magic flashlight" in the photo below.
No one should get their nose out of joint at a child doing checkpoint duty. ATC performs essential service, which if not done right can result in catastrophe.
No one should get their nose out of joint at a child doing checkpoint duty. ATC performs essential service, which if not done right can result in catastrophe.

But doesn't the TSA Administrator make the same claim about their jobs?
Looks like the parent was supervising and intervening as necessary, just as with the FAA case.

Nobody should care about either.
Yep, the world is full of whiny beatches...:nonod::nonod::nonod:

No kidding. It makes it difficult for the rest of us to actually get anything done.