FAA facts in Case Analysis


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Apr 7, 2005
Lincoln, NE
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I had the opportunity to visit the FAA legal department during a field trip for my law class. We were grouped with one of their lawyers to go over a case involving fuel exhaustion. From there, our group had to answer some questions and come to conclusions.

I attempted to do some more research on this case at home. I found some interesting contradictions and questions I would appreciate your thoughts on.

Keep in mind that the following paragraph is all we were given. "Mr. B, private pilot with 35 years experience, decides to fly from Jackson, MS to Wiley Post Airport in OKC. He is flying VFR in a Maule Aircraft. (specs on separate page) Mr. B filled his aircraft (however cannot produce a fuel receipt indicating how much fuel or when he last fueled his Maule. Mr. B takes off towards OKC and runs out of gas at 4 miles short of McAlester, OK." Let me first point out that in the first sentence, it states he's going to Wiley Post but in the last it says OKC but falls short of McAlester. Obviously these are two different airports but seem to be used in the same context.

Some of our group questions:
1. How far is it from Jackson, MS to OKC? Group answer: 420
2. How far is it from Jackson, MS to McAlester? Group answer: 395 (only one person had the sectionals)
3. How far can the aircraft fly on a tank of fuel? Using this: http://pilotfriend.com/aircraft performance/Maule/10.htm Group Answer: Range 360 miles
4. Could the pilot, with proper planning, determined that he could not make OKC? Yes

Obviously from this data, the pilot could not have made the airport due to being out of range. Not only this but McAlester is 35 miles further than the max range of the aircraft in no wind conditions. We did use no wind conditions but according to the lawyer, there were in fact headwinds that day. So there is no way he could have gotten within 4 miles of McAlester according to this.

Some things that I later found:
When I read closer, as stated above, the pilot only intended to fly to McAlester, not OKC. I went into the FAA accident database and found this: http://www.ntsb.gov/ntsb/brief.asp?ev_id=20050226X00236&key=1
Now without having specific names, it makes the analysis trickier but I find that the resemblance is a little more than coincidence. The first thing I noticed right off is that the aircraft are different. In our Stats, it states a Maule M-6, but in the accident it is a Maule M-4-210C. Which if you notice in http://pilotfriend.com/aircraft performance/Maule/3.htm the range drastically increases by 240 miles! This makes it increasing probable that the airplane is capable of making the airport in the first place! Now the question can really fall under where, if and how much the pilot refueled.

The next thing I noticed when reading the accident report by the NTSB was a confirmation that the pilot was flying to MLC and not OKC. So it takes OKC completely out of the picture for analysis.

Also, I believe the numbers are off for the above questions we were given.
Possible True answers to the questions:
1. How far is it from Jackson, MS to OKC? My answer: 417 NM (but doesn't matter since he didnt fly to OKC) I used www.airnav.com
2. How far is it from Jackson, MS to MLC? My answer: 324 NM
a. Note that 324 is drastically different from 395. With 324, it makes it possible for even the original Maule 6 to have made the airport on full tanks, with 395, it is impossible especially with a headwind. With the Maule-4-210C, either would have been possible. So the question becomes based on fuel reading which is of course the main problem in the case anyways.
b. We did originally ask the lawyer we were with how he could possibly get that far, she said the FAA didn't know either. It wasn't actually her case.
3. How Far can the aircraft fly on a tank of fuel? 500 NM
4. Could the pilot with proper planning determined that he could no make OKC? Yes, but with proper planning, its possible to have even made both airports in the Maule 4 but not the Maule 6. To be very informal, it is possible to just guestimate with a Maule 4 to know with a 500 mile range, to make a 324 mile flight. That could be common sense.

Further Notes: The case seems to emphasis the pilot not knowing how to use his installed fuel gauge equipment, depending on it instead of his factory fuel gauges, and making an emergency landing. If he truly filled his aircraft to the brim, it wouldn't have mattered in no wind conditions, he would have made McAlester airport. Since I don't truly know the winds, I cannot calculate that but I dot see it knocking down the Maule 4's range to less than 324 miles.

Of Course with the information we were provided, it was easily proven that there was no way the pilot could even dream about reaching the airport. But if the information I found is correct, then the airport was reachable but there was somehow not enough fuel in the airplane. So questions are left open. If the information I found is correct it was also unfair of us to make such a quick determination without knowing the true facts. In the end, the deduction was still true, the pilot did not flight plan correctly, and yes, its possible he didnt read his equipment correctly too although as stated I don't see that effecting the McAlester flight.

What I would be honestly interested in finding is the court case and what their thoughts were as well as what the pilot actually said rather than depending so much on one paragraph and information that I could not research at the time. I have not been able to find much with the current information. All I know is Mr. B Vs. NTSB. From there, a solid answer as to proper information can be found despite the outcome still the same. I just honestly felt it was unfair for us to make improper conclusions and answers to the questions if the information was incorrect. Also, if I missed something, I'd be willing to know that as well.

I found some interesting contradictions and questions I would appreciate your thoughts on.
I think this is a strange case to be analyzing in this way. It was a VFR flight with no flight plan filed or required. How did anyone know what Mr. B's real intentions were? There's no reg that says you can't take off aimlessly and sightsee in your airplane, or change your intended destination multiple times when you are VFR. His problem was that he mismanaged his fuel regardless of where he was going. I think that's why the NTSB probable cause says:
The loss of engine power due to fuel exhaustion as result of the pilot's improper fuel calculations, and his inadequate in-flight planning decision. A contributing factor was the pilot's failure to complete an emergency pre-landing checklist, which resulted in a fuel surge during his first attempted landing into the field.
Notice it says "in-flight" instead of "preflight".
I think this is a strange case to be analyzing in this way. It was a VFR flight with no flight plan filed or required. How did anyone know what Mr. B's real intentions were? There's no reg that says you can't take off aimlessly and sightsee in your airplane, or change your intended destination multiple times when you are VFR.
Or stop when the needles on the gas gauge get low.

His problem was that he mismanaged his fuel regardless of where he was going.
The first thing I noticed right off is that the aircraft are different. In our Stats, it states a Maule M-6, but in the accident it is a Maule M-4-210C. Which if you notice in http://pilotfriend.com/aircraft performance/Maule/3.htm the range drastically increases by 240 miles! This makes it increasing probable that the airplane is capable of making the airport in the first place!

I'm really beginning to wonder about the competence of some FAA employees. Kate recently got ramp checked, and the inspector was unaware that a third-class medical is good for 3 years if you were examined under the age of 40. That's basic, private-pilot-level knowledge, but this FAA inspector had to go look it up. And, who can forget the infamous Q-tip prop incident...

Since I don't truly know the winds, I cannot calculate that but I dot see it knocking down the Maule 4's range to less than 324 miles.

Well, if you look at its performance data, there would have to be a headwind component of only 13 knots for the M-6's range to be reduced to 324 miles, but the M-4-210C would have to be flying into a headwind of 50 knots! And that's assuming that the range numbers listed are to dry tanks.

How I came up with these numbers: (GS=Groundspeed, CS=Cruise speed, R=Range, H=headwind component)
Of Course with the information we were provided, it was easily proven that there was no way the pilot could even dream about reaching the airport.
Case studies are not always verbatim from the actual events. Often the study developer will craft the "facts" to make the case easier for the students to analyze, thus creating more clearly definable (and grade-able) results. IOW, don't read too much into this -- it's just a training exercise.
I couldn't find anything in the NTSB hearing opinion database matching these details.
Federal Tort Claims actions aren't handled by the region.
Was this an enforcement action, and did it go to hearing? So many enforcement actions end up settling.
Which region were you touring?
I'm really beginning to wonder about the competence of some FAA employees. Kate recently got ramp checked, and the inspector was unaware that a third-class medical is good for 3 years if you were examined under the age of 40. That's basic, private-pilot-level knowledge, but this FAA inspector had to go look it up.
Well, to be fair, my FBO's computer kicked me out last weekend because it was over 2 years, even though I was under 40 when I had the exam done! Now, the desk guy is an under-40 student pilot, so he should have known better, but...