FAA and the ELT rules


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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After asking the FAA Representatives (direct from OKC) at AWO this week and listening to what they say/know about the rules. I am astounded at their lack of knowledge on the subject.

I need to know how to make a suggestion to the FAA about 91.207.

The suggestion is simple, change 91.207 to read an alternate method of compliance to be, "a pilot requirement to carry a 406PLB".

This would IMHO raise the safety of the system, simply because Pilots would be more willing to buy something that they can use as a multifunction device, at a lower price.

We need each of our memers to get on board with this idea and see if we can get AOPA, and the members here, onboard too.
I met a guy from the FAA at the Aircraft Electronics Association show last month. He said he is heading up a new department called Avionics Management or something like that. He would be a good contact. tim.shaver@faa.gov. He seemed interested in doing some research and developing some guidance regarding 91.207 since it doesn't adddress 406Mhz.
I think that's an excellent suggestion Tom.

When you figure out how to submit it, you might want to point out that it will also almost eliminate the problem of false ELT alarms, which these days far outnumber real activations.
