Expired CFI military reinstatement changes!


Final Approach
Apr 3, 2010
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Just a heads-up to the mil crowd lurking on here. 14 CFR 61.73 changed effective late August 2018, now allows an expired CFI certificate to be reinstated without the need for a checkride, as long as you have a mil IP or FE checkride AF Form 8 (or USA/USN et al equivalent) valid within the preceding 6 months from the date of application. It gets a bit confusing for folks with an initial CFI issuance before October 2009, as it has a sunset clause of August 2019 before you'd have to take a checkride in order to reinstate (aka the old rules). It doesn't say if the initial date is the last renewal issuance, or the no kidding original CFI. I take it is the former, since my CFI card has an issuance of 2017 (my last renewal) whereas I took my original checkride back in 2005. But triple check to be sure, otherwise you better get it done before August 2019 lest you be left behind from the temporary reprieve. For expired CFI issued after 2009 the sunsetting clause doesn't apply; just reinstate using the new regulation at your own convenience.

See attached FSIMS guidance. Chapter 5-620, especially Section G anf H for renewals and reinstatements(aka expired) respectively.

