Exhibitor List

Jay Honeck

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 6, 2008
Ingleside, TX
Display Name

Display name:
Jay Honeck
Has there been an exhibitor list released yet for OSH 2013?

I suddenly find myself in a whole new world, with the RV, and an entire (previously ignored) bunch of vendors are now of interest. :D
Air Venture app is now in app store and play store
With only a few days left till Oshkosh, I would be remiss if I didn’t invite you to my booth (3080) in building C at AirVenture. As I was a little late in deciding to do one of my bucket list items, the EAA only yesterday confirmed the booth number. I will miss flying the J-3 Cub but get to experience the other side of things at Oshkosh this year.

The booth presents a compilation of good things that are happening at Grimes Field (I74) Urbana, Ohio. To help pay the EAA and as a donation to help build a B-17 at The Champaign Aviation Museum, I am selling my WW2 and pre-war sectional charts. There will be digital pictures of the B-17 project showing all day long. I will sell some items for the Grimes Flying Lab Foundation. Let’s talk about pies at the Airport Café. Then there is MERFI (Mid Eastern Regional Fly In) coming up in late August. Did you know that we have an aircraft paint shop on the field? Did you know that the first aircraft lights were made in Urbana?

I hope you have a good time this year at Oshkosh as I am planning on having a fantastic one. Please do stop by for a chat.
