Excellent Book to Read


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
I'm in the process of reading a new-found book, all 867 pages of Air-Age Education Series - Science of Pre-Flight Aeronautics. It's extremely well-written; the diagrams/illustrations are first class; and the glossary, alone, runs 47 pages. The chapter on Dead-Reckoning runs 83 pages.

The bookmarks I'm finding are unique. One is a 7" x 9" miniature, 12 page Boston Herald newspaper. The Yankees and the Cardinals are in first place.
Front page headlines: GERMANS FLEE SARDINIA
Navy Blasts Japs in Gilberts After Mass Bougainville Raid

Under another headline: The Duke and Duchess of Windsor are on their way to Boston to visit the Duchess' Aunt Bessie, Mrs. D. Buchanan Merryman, who is a patient at Faulkner Hospital with a broken hip.

Then there's the article about New Sickness and Accident Plan Pays $25 Weekly Benefits
Cost only $12 a Year -- Down Payment $2.50 -- Hospital Benefits Included

The date of the THREE CENTS paper is September 20, 1943. The book? Copyright by The MacMillan Company, 1942, Published September 1942.
It's amazing, all those references to CAA - Civil Aeronautics Administration - and the now 60+ year old regs. which read almost the same today.
All-in-all, about the best text I've seen pertaining to the hows and why(s) of aviation.

I am a voracious reader, I'll read the back of a cereal box if it's the only thing available. I love books and I am especially fond of finding old books like the one you describe. It makes me giddy with excitement to find such a book.

Perhaps you will be kind enough to share certain passages. Hopefully, no one will mind if the posts were too long. Other than you getting keyboard cramp, that is.

Wanna' trade good, old books when you're through?