Elk hunting - something like this


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Arvada, CO
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Greg Kainz
This isn't mine, not from my hunt, and I have no idea who it is. But, my hunt this fall went something like this.

Not quite this close, but you get the idea ...
My friend who own the land I hunt on has almost an identical experience bowhunting white tails a few years ago. This seems to happen from time to time.
Mine only managed to sneak up to about 15 yards on me before I sensed him... being within antler or hoof range like that had to be pretty intense!
I love it that's great!!! The ones in an around Estes Park are like that. I wanted to take one home for a pet. The wife on the other hand. :rolleyes:


Did you get an Elk?
Well ... I got "part" of an elk :) the one that snuck up on me got waylaid by another archer just up the hill. I helped cart him out and got a backstrap for my efforts (that's filet mignon in restaurant-speak).
This has to be one dense bow hunter, to be that close and not hear the elk? get real, they make noise when they walk even on a well used trail. plus you can hear one breath 10 yards away. sniff sniff and blow is how thay talk when close to each other.

I know, I elk hunt, I have taken 3 bulls with a bow, 4 cows with a smoke pole, and a bunch during regular season.

Allowing that big bull to get that close is dangerious, he could have hurt that guy really bad.

I had a friend that got charged during a early bow season when calling and not watching his back, my friend got 3 broken ribs with one kick. as the bull passed him, but that bull came out of dense brush.

really really dumb hunter, must be from Seattle.
was he asleep, do ya reckon? :confused: No-one could be that damn stupid or unaware. Nobody. :no:
I love it that's great!!! The ones in an around Estes Park are like that. I wanted to take one home for a pet. The wife on the other hand. :rolleyes:


Did you get an Elk?

This has to be one dense bow hunter, to be that close and not hear the elk? get real, they make noise when they walk even on a well used trail. plus you can hear one breath 10 yards away. sniff sniff and blow is how thay talk when close to each other.

I know, I elk hunt, I have taken 3 bulls with a bow, 4 cows with a smoke pole, and a bunch during regular season.

Allowing that big bull to get that close is dangerious, he could have hurt that guy really bad.

I had a friend that got charged during a early bow season when calling and not watching his back, my friend got 3 broken ribs with one kick. as the bull passed him, but that bull came out of dense brush.

really really dumb hunter, must be from Seattle.

I've got a funny story about Estes Park elk. We were up on the Front Range for vacation a few years ago in early July, and someone suggested that we take Old Fall River Road (a beautiful one-way dirt road - up to the summit in Rocky Mountain National Park) for a cool view of the snow fields at night. Anyway, it was a mostly cloudy evening with a waxing crescent moon, so there wasn't much to see of the snow fields. Nevertheless, we made the trip.

Above the tree line, we made a turn and came across a herd of elk on the roadway. We were told to shut off our lights so as to not disturb the animals, so we did. I then pulled out my brand new night vision monacle, and realized it wouldn't work through the windshield, so I stepped out of the car, closed the door, and proceeded to try to focus the device on the herd in front of me.

I then heard a breath and a snort at my 7:00 position. (Could have been a sniff sniff and blow as you mentioned - I was more focused on not soiling myself at that point!) Of course I froze. As it was a very dark night, I had no idea how close that was, but it felt close. I then realized how big of an idiot I was. I opened the door and got into my Explorer faster than Black Friday shoppers running into Walmart. A very impressive move for the father of a teenage daughter who 10 seconds before thought that I was the coolest guy ever.
Watch out for the deer too. Theya re fighting back
With his Remington .270 rifle in hand, he shot a nice buck broadside. The buck’s front legs collapsed as it ran toward a fence and flipped over to the other side.
A second shot at about 30 yards away to the back of the neck put the buck down for good, or so Goodman thought.

A few minutes later Goodman went to check out his trophy. As he grabbed one horn he said, “Wow. What a big deer.”

As the nine-point, 240-pound buck lay lifeless the unexpected happened.

The buck stood up and knocked Goodman on his butt, attacking him with his antlers.

“It was 15 seconds of hell,” Goodman said.

Goodman thought the deer was trying to go through him as he fought it off the best he could. A few seconds later, the deer was off and running.

“I felt his front legs go over my face,” Goodman said.

The buck ran 30 yards and fell down again and Goodman was worried the deer wasn’t done yet.

“If he was going to come back I would be in trouble because I was in too much pain,” Goodman said.

Goodman walked back to his tree stand and grabbed his gun, finally putting the buck down with two more shots to the neck.

“My face felt warm so I took off my glove and I noticed I was bleeding,” Goodman said.

His jacket was soaked in blood and he was becoming dizzy. He called his son and brother for help.
Hunting stories WoW, we need a camp fire and bottle of JD.

A good hunting buddy left left navy housing with his 70 ish duster and was rounding the corner of Cresent harbor road and reservation road when a nice forked horn buck was standing in the road.

Gary stopped and got his 357 mag out of the holster and shot, the buck drop like a brick, Gary noticed that it was about 10 minutes before the deer season opened at 7:00. he runs grabs the buck by the antlers and threw him in the trunk of his car.

He goes home and while have his second cup of coffee, thinking ho cool he was went out to the car and opened the trunk, and the deer starts to get out.. Like Oh Sh--, Gary grabs a horn and the fight starts, trying to stop the deer from getting out of the trunk. Gary manages to get his 357 out again, and blow 2 holes in his gas tank, and start a fire in his car port.

To shorten this story, the deer got away, Gary got a fine for dischaging a weapon on a federal reservation and lost his car to the fire, along with a navy car port.

I didn't believe Gary until he showed me the deer tracks leading away from the burned up car port, and 3 days later a deer was taken by another hunting buddy, which had 1 side of his antlers broken off showing a bullet hole in the stubby shattered end.
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He goes home and while have his second cup of coffee, thinking ho cool he was went out to the car and opened the trunk, and the deer starts to get out.. Like Oh Sh--, Gary grabs a horn and the fight starts, trying to stop the deer from getting out of the trunk. Gary manages to get his 357 out again, and blow 2 holes in his gas tank, and start a fire in his car port.

That is hillarious!!! There is a very old Woody Allen bit when he was doing stand up, where a hunter goes and bags a Moose, then takes it to a costume party and leaves it on the car. The Moose ends up waking up, attends the party and is a big hit but loses "best costume" to the Berkowitz's who came dressed up as Moose to the party. The real Moose was p*ssed. :)
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That is hillarious!!! There is a very old Woody Allen bit when he was doing stand up, where a hunter goes and bags a Moose, then takes it to a costume party and leaves it on the car. The Moose ends up waking up, attends the party and is a big hit but loses "best costume" to the Berkowitz's who came dressed up at Moose to the party. The real Moose was p*ssed. :)

My 1 and only Moose Story.

About 1953 +- a year, My Dad had a old Ford Station Wagon, which at the time was new or almost. We took our yearly trec to My uncle's house in Fredricton NB, for our annual moose hunt, we pick up the canoes form uncle Ed's house and my other uncle Jim and head out this old dirt road to the river and about 15 minutes down the road we're all laughing and have a good time when there is a huge bull standing in the road.

My dad says this is going to be too easy and they allow uncle Ed to get out and find his gun that's packed way in the roof rack along with all the other camp gear.

While this is all going on, uncle Jim reaches over my Dad and honks the horn, Why? I have no idea, but the horn sounds like a challenge to the moose and he charges, Uncle Ed had retrived his rifle, takes carefull aim and pulls the trigger and CLICK, he forgot to load, so Blam the Moose hits the grill of the ford, and backs up and lowers his head again.

Uncle Jim jumps out and takes aim with his pistol, My Dad hollars My God Jim don't shoot him with that, he's mad enough.

Blam the moose hits the Ford again. and kinda thinks that is enough, and trots off.

We hunted for that bull for 2 weeks and never did find him again, and believe me we tried because my Dad wanted revenge.