Get what you pay for...I'd have my doubts on quality of even a non-electric bike for this price.
Doesn't say how much it weighs, that I can see. I also like that they say they adhere to FAA and TSA guidelines, except, you know, for the part about the battery being too large to be legal on the airlines, unless you can convince them it's a personal mobility aid and not a bicycle.
The linked article says 29 lb. weight, and a carrying case is available. Don't recall the TSA carry-on guidelines, but if it fits there, it should go through my baggage hatch. Poor range, though--only 9 miles unless you buy the bigger battery. May be worth looking at in December, if they can do something about the $200 shipping charge . . . . .
Shipping one to the US costs an extra $200. So much for cheap.