I try to keep things in perspective: In the USA, over 26,000 people die per year because of falls, and about 9 million go to emergency rooms each year because of falls. Danger = changing a light bulb while on a chair or ladder, or putting up Christmas decorations!
In 2011 according to the center for Disease Control people in the USA died in these ways
11,101 died in homicides
801 accidentally shot
280 mass shootings
33,554 poisoned
34,677 car crash
38,285 suicide
26,631 falling down
750 drowned
75,000 alcohol related and was just third worse as compared to tobacco and poor eating and lack of exercise.
Heck I think I read something like over 300,000 die per yer from medical malpractice (please no offence Doctors and Nurses, you are treating them for problems they already have)
400 listed as dying in GA was not mentioned but by the list of other ways to go my chances are pretty good I'll make it flying over Lk Michigan as I am sometimes criticized in doing(.i.e. flying+ drowning)
Seriously , I have no death wish, but I prefer not to be so afraid of dying that I never really live. I don't want to live to be a ripe old age just to drool in my rocking chair not knowing family or who I am or someone changing my diaper. Looks like many of our wives look at it differently than we do.
My wife got extremely better about it when she got training on landing the plane. She's not afraid of much as she shoot guns, drives cars fast, rides snowmobiles, road bikes ,trail bikes and ATV,s. She still remains uncomfortable in a small aircraft on a bumpy day or medium crosswinds on landing.
We just minimize what we can on choice of conditions when she wants to go along. I'm 63 she's 60, kids are on their own. We sometimes have to admit flying is not for everybody, if it were we'd have 34,677 dying every year in GA like they do in cars