EAA Fly-in . . . . . .


Feb 23, 2005
Georgetown, ME
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Harley Reich
. . . . was held October 04 at KIWI Wiscasset, Maine. We had a super attendance and, between 10:00 and 2:00 we took 73 Young Eagles on a flight.
I use "we" euphemistically because I'm not qualified; but I had my plane refueled and on-the-ready if needed and could be flown by pilot who met the EAA qualifications. While it was on the ramp I was several times accused of "waxing the paint off that pretty bird."

Maine Aviation Corp.(Portland - early Cessna dealer) was there with a beautiful Skylane -- $540,000.00. He offered me $45,000 for my plane. Any PoA care to loan me 495k?

Civil Air Patrol contingent was there with a 172 and a 182 and a bunch of officers and cadets. A Twin Commander -- Wow! -- stopped by for a while; Maine State Police, Wiscasset Fire Department, Wiscasset Police Dept. each had a display.
The big-engined bi-plane guest had a wicked climb angle; and the angle of the line for the pancake breakfast was also wicked. 'Twas a good time!

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My question is, Why didn't you join the EAA,then you could have flown the kids too?
You can call me if you want at 717-554-5360 and i'l explain the program to you .I've ben involved with Young Eagles for 5 years since i bought my plane. here are some pictures.
Dave G:blueplane:


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My question is, Why didn't you join the EAA,then you could have flown the kids too?
You can call me if you want at 717-554-5360 and i'l explain the program to you .I've ben involved with Young Eagles for 5 years since i bought my plane. here are some pictures.
Dave G:blueplane:

I've long been a member of Chapter 87, the oldest chapter in Maine. However, I'm still Student Pilot; and even if PP-ASEL wouldn't have enough hours to qualify.
Our Chapter President, Charlie Gabelmann, is in the elite national group of having flown a very large # of Young Eagles.

HR http://eaa87.org/

EDIT: From one of the EAA87 Newsletters:
"Members of EAA Chapter 87 have submitted Charlies name for recipient of the 2008 EAA Major Achievement Award to be presented at Airventure in August. EAA has chosen to honor Charlie for his past service and dedication to the Chapter and EAA as well as his service to the aviation community and personal achievements. As members of EAA87, we know how well deserved this award is. Charlie has served as Chapter President for well over 25 years and has actually flown more Young Eagles than Paul Poberezny has."
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I've long been a member of Chapter 87, the oldest chapter in Maine. However, I'm still Student Pilot; and even if PP-ASEL wouldn't have enough hours to qualify.

Sorry: i thought you already had your ticket. And as far as hours go unless your chapter has a requirment, i started flying the kids as soon as i got my ticket,Thats what got me involved with flying.

Well maybe you can fly them next event,GOOD LUCK
Dave G:blueplane:


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