Door TR182


Filing Flight Plan
May 3, 2021
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Hi, Please suggest where I can find complete passenger door for TR182 from 1980.
Hi, Please suggest where I can find complete passenger door for TR182 from 1980.
What happened to the original door? If that door assembly can be repaired this would be your best option. If it cant be repaired then you need to get with your APIA and determine the correct door part number for your aircraft serial number. There are a number of free parts manuals online.

Once you have a good P/N then contact the larger aircraft salvage yards: Wentworh, Dallas Air, Atlanta Air, Faeth, etc. If this doesnt pan out then Plan B is to check for similar door assemblies outside your S/N. Cessna used a lot of common core parts between aircraft variants and it is possible to interchange these parts usually with a minor modification. But you need an experience APIA to guide you through this.

In some cases there still is a new part route but I would think it would be cost prohibitive if even possible. However, Cessna support or Yingling would be the parties to contact for this method. Good luck.
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I would hate to price a complete entire door assembly with the hinges, window and latching mechanism.
I have skydive conversion, doors tilting up.
Right now just checking options to see what needs to be done to get back to the ordinary state.
I'm in Estonia so is not so easy to get parts supply and my maintenance guy has no experience in such door modification.
The other problem is that the previous owner lost the door documentation and the maintenance shop which did it is out of the market.


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I'm in Estonia so is not so easy to get parts supply and my maintenance guy has no experience in such door modification.
The other problem is that the previous owner lost the door documentation and the maintenance shop which did it is out of the market.
Do you know if the jump door was installed under an FAA STC or EASA STC? If so there maybe a route to find the "lost" documentation. Perhaps look in the aircraft logbooks for a write up on the jump door which may contain more info. Some STCs have restoration instructions that will list the requirements to return the aircraft back to its original configuration. If you can find an STC number we might be able to locate the documentation.

The aircraft is under Estonian registration? And this aircraft is not a French Riems Cessna 172?
I would hate to price a complete entire door assembly with the hinges, window and latching mechanism.
Yup. Those hinges are really expensive, and they tend to crack and break. The airframe flexes around that doorframe in flight, loading the hinges and cracking them by forcing the latch end of the door up and down in turbulence or during landing. Just putting the airplane on jacks can cause enough frame distortion that the latch won't catch.
Use of an unapproved door seal is a common cause of door hinge failure.
Yup. Those hinges are really expensive, and they tend to crack and break. The airframe flexes around that doorframe in flight, loading the hinges and cracking them by forcing the latch end of the door up and down in turbulence or during landing. Just putting the airplane on jacks can cause enough frame distortion that the latch won't catch.
Tell me about it. We just replaced on our 182H.
Suggest you contact the various Jump Clubs and possibly get a copy of their
paperwork. This may also lead you to the folks that are doing the mod. It’s a stretch but they may have someone to swap doors for a conversion. They may also
have the removed parts you need.
Conversion was done by German Flugzeugwerft Bonn-Hangelar GmbH in 2013 under LBA rules covered by Kennblatt 549a.
They don't keep old papers so I have only logbook entry about job done without any backing docs.
Without proper documentation, Estonian CAA doesn't want to register and now I'm stuck with it in the hangar:(
Asked LBA for help but so far no response at all.

I did small research for a door and complete set is a 3000USD, adding work time, paintwork and leather to match interior will be 5k in the end. Much bigger project than expected.


  • Kennblatt 549a.pdf
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LBA rules covered by Kennblatt 549a.
Kennblatt 549a is not a rule but a specification sheet for a 182--LBA's version of a FAA "TCDS" sheet. So there is more information to look for. I don't know the EASA/LBA airplane side but on the helicopter side most modifications like your jump door where installed using existing data like from an FAA STC but the work was approved under the LBA system. My bet is that your jump door is an STC from outside Germany. Does your aircraft POH/AFM have a supplemental section in the back that covers this jump door? If so can you post a copy of the title page of that supplement? Also post a copy of the entire logbook entry for the jump door as it might show more information. If you do not want to post on a public forum you can also post it as a private message to me. If the jump door is the same as an existing STC then you should be able get the data you need from the STC OEM.

Another route to follow is contact every skydiving association/skydive club in the EU that you can find to see if someone else is using a 182 with your type jump door. More than likely it will be the same modification and possibly obtain the documentation you need for your CAA that way.

However, with all that said, if your costs of $5000USD are accurate to install a Cessna right hand door that is very cheap to do so. I've seen aircraft here in the US with similar import problems where the costs to satisfy the FAA/CAA exceeded the value of the aircraft. Regardless, I wouldn't go this route until you exhausted all possibilities on your search for the jump door documentation.