Don't drive in Maryland. You can't afford it.


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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The Maryland General Assembly yesterday gave final approval to a measure that will expand the use of speed cameras to every part of the state, ... Traffic camera vendors also helped promote the effort with lavish gifts, parties and campaign donations.

... School zone cameras can operate as late as 8pm and ticket motorists regardless of whether school is in session...used in so-called "work zones" where the speed limit is lowered, regardless of whether workers are actually present. ...For-profit private companies are authorized to take charge of all aspects of the program.

... Lawmakers also rejected an amendment that would have ensured that state legislators were not exempt from receiving photo radar tickets. They also turned down an amendment that would have printed on each ticket the names of lawmakers responsible for voting the camera bill into law.

Don't you guys ever say a word about Illinois again. This crap has been lobbied for and proposed but even the crooks in Springfield haven't passed it yet.

The law should be repealed once they nab enough Washington VIPs (aren't they all?) and pols and their families.
Maryland is using it for revenue enhancement to balance a big deficit budget. Remember that Maryland was home to Spiro Agnew, one of the corrupt pols that did jail time.

DC isn't any better. The mayor has proposed speed cameras and red light cameras on major commuter routes - and has outright said it's to raise revenue from commuters.
I try to stay out of nanny states like MD, NJ, NY, IL, most of the northeast and west coast. I don't even like flying over them.
Bah. Just because Maryland sucks, doesn't mean Illinois doesn't suck. :D

You be quiet. You still gotta explain Racine County.

(I actually drove to Racine in the Mustang to shop last weekend. Made sure I had the cruise set.)
Lawmakers also rejected an amendment that would have ensured that state legislators were not exempt from receiving photo radar tickets.

roughly equals (although it probably just means the law is still silent as to the point):

Lawmakers also approved an amendment that would have ensured that state legislators are exempt from receiving photo radar tickets
Lawmakers also rejected an amendment that would have ensured that state legislators were not exempt from receiving photo radar tickets.

roughly equals (although it probably just means the law is still silent as to the point):

Lawmakers also approved an amendment that would have ensured that state legislators are exempt from receiving photo radar tickets

Not necessarily - There may be absolutely no mention of state legislators in the rest of the bill, as you mention. I would imagine that a provision exempting legislators would be a) unconstitutional, and b) result in massive public outcry and a lot of legislators losing their seats at the next election.
Not necessarily - There may be absolutely no mention of state legislators in the rest of the bill, as you mention. I would imagine that a provision exempting legislators would be a) unconstitutional, and b) result in massive public outcry and a lot of legislators losing their seats at the next election.

very true - "not necessarily" - but when you have all those double negatives running around you need to cancel them out to figure out what the hell actually happened.

I'm a little suspicious that this was even mentioned, frankly, because if the law is silent, then, well, it's silent (unless of course wink wink it's a given that legislators never get tickets...)
Maryland is using it for revenue enhancement to balance a big deficit budget. Remember that Maryland was home to Spiro Agnew, one of the corrupt pols that did jail time.

DC isn't any better. The mayor has proposed speed cameras and red light cameras on major commuter routes - and has outright said it's to raise revenue from commuters.

DC all ready has speed cameras. I got nailed by one on 395, a 6 lane divided highway with a 45 mph speed limit. On a Sunday afternoon in perfect weather when there were no other cars in the photo. It's just revenue enhancement
Austin just added a few more cameras. Though I'm getting tired of seeing people run red lights and nearly being their victim, I also know it's more about revenue than it is for safety.
DC all ready has speed cameras. I got nailed by one on 395, a 6 lane divided highway with a 45 mph speed limit. On a Sunday afternoon in perfect weather when there were no other cars in the photo. It's just revenue enhancement

In the middle of a frickin' INTERSTATE? :mad2:
DC all ready has speed cameras. I got nailed by one on 395, a 6 lane divided highway with a 45 mph speed limit. On a Sunday afternoon in perfect weather when there were no other cars in the photo. It's just revenue enhancement

Yes, they have them. The mayor proposed something like 40 or 50 more, including IN the tunnels along the 395 corridor. It's a commuter road.

In the middle of a frickin' INTERSTATE? :mad2:

Yep. Welcome to DC.
In the middle of a frickin' INTERSTATE? :mad2:
IDOT has started to use roving photo vans to capture people speeding through the constructions zones on the Illinois highways. They run them at non-peak, non-constrcution times. You know when going 55mph instead of the reduced 45 mph would actually be safe. :mad2::mad2: