
What is in your new panel? Couple of G 275s, two new radios, but can't quite make out what nav unit you have.
What is in your new panel? Couple of G 275s, two new radios, but can't quite make out what nav unit you have.
Aera 660
GTX345 w/ Waas

JPI 730
2x GI275's.
Nice panel.

I see you only have one Nav radio. I'm back and forth on that. Given the rapid decline of VOR's, it does make sense of not really needing a back up.

I'm guessing if you wanted it to be IFR capable you would have put in a GTN something vs the Aera 660 and GNC 255.

Why not another G275 for an engine monitor vs the JPI 730? I'm guessing cost as well as the JPI seems to be a popular instrument that seems to work well?
I see you only have one Nav radio. I'm back and forth on that. Given the rapid decline of VOR's, it does make sense of not really needing a back up.
Yeah, that's why I decided to stick with a single VOR.

I'm guessing if you wanted it to be IFR capable you would have put in a GTN something vs the Aera 660 and GNC 255.
It's plenty IFR capable. I even did my instrument rating in it, single VOR. It's as capable as I'm comfortable going with a single engine airplane anyway.
Why not another G275 for an engine monitor vs the JPI 730? I'm guessing cost as well as the JPI seems to be a popular instrument that seems to work well?
Like everything in this plane it wasn't done all at once. The JPI was installed LONG before GI275's came out.

Of course that thread doesn't cover my GTX345 install which was the latest upgrade.
Without a GPS for LVP are you then mostly flying ILS and VOR approaches? How do you find fixes with no GPS and only 1 nav VOR? (I see no DME).
Without a GPS for LVP are you then mostly flying ILS and VOR approaches? How do you find fixes with no GPS and only 1 nav VOR? (I see no DME).
It's intersections you'd be finding. Get established on the airway and find your holding heading. Hold that heading. Tune the cross radial VOR, identify, twist the OBS to the radial. When you cross it, go back to the airway VOR. Now have some fun. Hold at an intersection with one Nav. This used to be a thing in IR training many moons ago. In the days before flip/flop radios. You could like get blisters on your fingers doing it. Or shoot some Approaches with some IF's on it that are intesections and the FAF is an intersection. If there are Step Down Intersections inside the FAF, the Chart will have a dual VOR recievers required note.
Congrats mtns! What a beautiful airplane!
Outstanding! Congratulations!

Is the prize another old plane to restore? ;)
Congrats!!! Such a beautiful aircraft!!
That restoration and panel looks fantastic. Congrats on the win at Airventure as well.
Austin! Mazel Tov! Your dedication and hard work paid off on this. Beautiful Plane and well deserved!
Is there a plaque or trophy? More pictures please
And I thought listening to "short body mooneys are the best bang for the buck" was tiring. :D
And I thought listening to "short body mooneys are the best bang for the buck" was tiring. :D
You're just sad about your FOMO last week :p

Spoiler alert. There's going to be one more major thread about my plane, then it goes back to being just another 'wagon. ;)
Spoiler alert. There's going to be one more major thread about my plane, then it goes back to being just another 'wagon. ;)
That's not a spoiler. A spoiler would be to tell us whether @Lowflynjack will be the OP for the next major thread about your plane, and whether the belly was clean or not. :)

Congratulations on the award at Airventure. They really don't just hand those out, even in a small field like all the Cessna 18Xs that show up at Oshkosh. How many planes was that, a half dozen or so? :D
Spoiler alert. There's going to be one more major thread about my plane, then it goes back to being just another 'wagon. ;)

That's not a spoiler. A spoiler would be to tell us whether @Lowflynjack will be the OP for the next major thread about your plane, and whether the belly was clean or not. :)
Let's just say I can confirm the belly is clean!;)
Congrats. Wish I could've spent time with you at the show. Didn't know which of those things was yours. There were many.