dog leaseback?


Management Council Member
Dec 5, 2010
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We both work, so the dog goes to doggie day care 4 days a week. I am worried that the dog is not getting the utilization it needs. What are the tax implications of dog leaseback? I emailed DOPA legal services but haven't heard back yet.
I know many people who bring their dog to work, consideration? I guess you could write off some lunch meals if you woof about business.
We both work, so the dog goes to doggie day care 4 days a week. I am worried that the dog is not getting the utilization it needs...
Sounds like the dog is getting utilized, just not by the owner. Typical for a leasback.

… What are the tax implications of dog leaseback? …
Is this arrangement providing you income? If not, no straight forward tax implications, but you may be able deduct some costs if the dog is listed as a dependent OR a medically required service animal. Be sure to check both federal AND state tax laws.

OTOH, if the dog is generating income for another entity, the tax hit is on them, which is probably passed along to the owner in the form a daily charge or service fee.

…I emailed DOPA legal services but haven't heard back yet.
Were you a DOPA legal services subscriber prior to owning the dog and entering into this agreement? Of not, they won’t help. You’ve got to have the plan active prior to the events occurring that you need their help with.
Leasebacks become too complicated. If your local sheriff’s office has a K-9 unit, sign your pooch up as a volunteer and take a charitable deduction.
I wouldn't bother with DOPA, they haven't done a thing with their massive kibble reserves other than the Doggie Wine Club. DAA is a much better resource for canine leasebacks.
I think your barking up the wrong tree
Business write-off, if you use said device for business burglary notification, or rodent control.
If you a bought a leash, as part of the leaseback, counted it off on your taxes, but then returned it for a full refund, would there be lashback on the leaseback about taking the leash back?
Only if you got a kickback.
If you a bought a leash, as part of the leaseback, counted it off on your taxes, but then returned it for a full refund, would there be lashback on the leaseback about taking the leash back?
And all the transactions were in greenbacks, right?
Get the pooch a booth at Oshkosh. sell raffle tickets to win the dog, tell everybody the winner accepted a cash prize. That’s way better than cash back on a leaseback, because you keep the greenback, when you go back, to your love shack, or take a trip to the outback. And that’s a fact, Jack
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