Do you know what tomorrow is?


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Out of a suitcase
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It's the shortest day of the year!

You know what that means?

The days officially start getting longer again! We are on the upward trajectory again. True, it also means winter starts - but the worst of the darkness is soon behind us...

Oh Happy Day.
Technically the days have been getting longer since the formation of the Moon. Conservation of momentum and all. However the amount of daylight will begin to be more each day. :D
Technically the days have been getting longer since the formation of the Moon. Conservation of momentum and all. However the amount of daylight will begin to be more each day. :D

Day as in "daylight". had I said "longest night of the year" there'd be no doubt what I meant. humph.
The days have appeared to be getting longer since the 8th of Dec. Sunset has been later in the day.

Sunrise, however, makes up the difference by being even later. So in the period of the 8th-21st the days are shorter but appear longer. There's a name for this that escapes me right now.

Winter solstice is my favorite day!
These short days really get old fast. Just when I've had enough coffee to actually get up and out and do a chore the sun sets and it's nighttime. :dunno:

Enough. I want Spring already! I don't think we're even going to have a good enough thaw before we get another deep freeze.

I've got to get Santa and his plane out today or tomorrow.
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I don't know, I kind of like the shorter's letting me put a lot more big numbers in the "night" column of my logbook.
These short days really get old fast. Just when I've had enough coffee to actually get up and out and do a chore the sun sets and it's nighttime. :dunno:
I was in Dunoon, Scotland in December once upon a time. Roughly 56 degrees north latitude. The sun came up about 9:30am and it was pitch dark at 3:30pm. Lots of alchoholism in that little town!

my days have been getting longer since I started supporting databases in the California, Colorado, New Jersey, India and China ... the sun never sets on my databases ...
I was in Dunoon, Scotland in December once upon a time. Roughly 56 degrees north latitude. The sun came up about 9:30am and it was pitch dark at 3:30pm. Lots of alchoholism in that little town!


I spent the week surrounding New Years, 2001 (right after 911) on the Isle of Skye with some Scottish friends. You are spot on! You'd get up, have breakfast, before you know it, it would be lunch time, we'd all hustle out to get some hiking in before it got dark and if we didn't - the wine bottles were opened by 2 PM (otherwise 4 PM). In one week's time we went through TEN CASES of wine (yes, 120 bottles). Granted there were 14 adults there... A little over a bottle per person per day - but when you figure a good ten (or more) hour stretch from bottle open to time for bed... it's not like anyone was hammered.
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