Disassembling a 172 and shipping it to Germany - costs?

German guy

Cleared for Takeoff
Dec 7, 2009
Novi, MI
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Hi everybody,

does somebody know how much it roughly costs to have a 172 disassembled, stored in a container and shipped to Germany?
How does the re-assembly usually work? Could any certified A&P put it back together or would we need to fly somebody in from the US?

I'm just trying to figure out if it makes sense to purchase a plane in the US... :ihih:

Cheers, Oliver
Ferrying the plane might be cheaper.
I'm no expert, but it seems like a ferry flight would be the way to go.
I'm thinkin' these guys might have a handle on the costs:


As for re-assembly, I'm thinkin' any A&P should be able to return the aircraft to service with a log entry. Of course it'd take an A&P-IA to sign an annual which you'd probably want anyway.
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Weaver Aero Int'l Inc at 620.345.6400 has container shipped many new and used 172 airframes worldwide. He picked up and old Biplane from our hangar in Kansas and shipped it to Germany too. A simple 172 wouldn't be hard to reassemble.

Thanks for your replies and your recommendations - I will call Weaver and Skyview Aviation and ask them for a rough estimation, so that we have some numbers to play with.

@Telemakhos: it always was and still is my greatest aviation related dream to do such a flight by myself. As I am however not instrument rated yet and would therefore have to get this job done by someone else, we would simply pick the cheapest solution. If the prices for shipping and ferrying are similar, I would however prefer shipping.


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I sold a 172 that got taken a part and shipped to Australia...It was done by Globe Aero in Lakeland Fl. Top notch guys.

Globe Aero
3131 Flightline Dr # 102
Lakeland, FL 33811-2801
(863) 644-2451
It should cost the same if not a bit more than just flying it over there (after you take into account the re-assembly costs)
If the prices for shipping and ferrying are similar, I would however prefer shipping.

Hey Oliver,

I'm just curious - Why would you prefer shipping? :dunno:

I think in many cases, flying it would get it there faster, and you'd get to "play" with your new "toy" right away rather than have to wait for it to get put back together. :)
I have a friend that buys Van airplanes in the US and has them shipped overseas. He could probably help you with this as he has done quite a few of these. If you are interested I will give you his phone number on your PM. Just let me know. Tom is out to Lenhardt's airport south of Portland OR. about 25 miles. He is a square shooter kind of a guy, too.