Diagnosed with PPPD treated with SSRI


Need Help Aviator


I am currently a CFI who self grounded earlier this year due to having unexpected dizziness following an ear infection. I have gone to multiple doctors trying to chase down what could be wrong with me as about a week later I woke up feeling drunk with weird vision issues. I developed high anxiety shortly after as I didn’t feel right.

After seeing a psychiatrist, I was told my issue most likely lies in Neurology or ENT as my symptoms started suddenly and the anxiety appeared to be secondary to another health condition.

I saw a Neurologist who said that my issue most likely was a functional balance issue as my MRI came back clear. I was then referred to an ENT as both the Psychiatrist and Neurologist felt that I was having something else balance wise causing the anxiety symptoms.

After meeting with the ENT and her Audiologist, I was cleared of any physical health related issues / hearing issues and was diagnosed with Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). I was advised that I should be placed on an SNRI and asked if we could try an FAA approved SSRI as it may help in my favor. I was placed on Lexapro and sent to VRT and worked on gaze exercises and different stability. After 3 months on Lexapro and VRT my symptoms are gone and I feel normal.

Obviously this is difficult as the AME guide says I need to be off all medications, but I’d like to stay on the SSRI as it helps and would give me the lowest chance of this recurring.

Would this be a hard case to get approved? Obviously I’d be on the SSRI track 2 for this but is this something they’ll be able to approve or am I stuck in the bucket of hanging the hat up for good?
Could PPPD make you more vulnerable to spatial disorientation when flying on instruments?