Touchdown! Greaser!
Attended the AOPA Town Hall in Irving (east side of DFW airport) tonight. In addition to the meeting, they held a "want to be a pilot" sesson next door hosted by one of ASF's presenters, the entertaining Pat Straub. The mailed invitations for the event included a card you could tear off and give to someone interested learning to fly.
I gave mine to the guy from work I am mentoring under AOPA's Project Pilot. He came with me and enjoyed the event.
Phil provided great coverage of the fight against user fees last year, and the current status. He played critical segments of the dialogue from some of the major influential senators and representatives, both for and against fees. He also played for us some of the unbelievable ads from the airline consortiums that only played on TV in the Wash. DC area... wow.
In any case, and no matter what gripes some may have against AOPA, I for one am glad that they are in DC representing GA's interests, and feel my dues went to good representation.
A couple other points of interest, regarding the ASF online seminars. Soon to be announced are the following deals they've reached with underwriters AIG and USAIG:
1) If you take an ASF seminar, online or in person, each six months, you'll get accident forgiveness (no raise in premium) and waiver of your deductible for your first incident.
2) If you fly a TAA (glass panel) and take a single ASF seminar per year (online or in person), you'll earn a 10% reduction in your annual premium. It was not clear if this applied to owners only, or renters as well. Details to follow.
Finally, regarding Lockheed Martin Flight "Circus" Stations, he said not enough pilots are calling the toll free "complaint" line, only 50 or so per week (that's not enough?!?!). They review each call and the associated briefing tape with LM and submit a report to the FAA. One full-time AOPA staffer is dedicated solely to this task, but they need our help! If you have a bad briefing experience, your next call needs to be the complaint line (888/FLT-SRVC or 888/358-7782). Give AOPA the ammo they need to argue the point that the service isn't up to our standards.
I gave mine to the guy from work I am mentoring under AOPA's Project Pilot. He came with me and enjoyed the event.
Phil provided great coverage of the fight against user fees last year, and the current status. He played critical segments of the dialogue from some of the major influential senators and representatives, both for and against fees. He also played for us some of the unbelievable ads from the airline consortiums that only played on TV in the Wash. DC area... wow.
In any case, and no matter what gripes some may have against AOPA, I for one am glad that they are in DC representing GA's interests, and feel my dues went to good representation.
A couple other points of interest, regarding the ASF online seminars. Soon to be announced are the following deals they've reached with underwriters AIG and USAIG:
1) If you take an ASF seminar, online or in person, each six months, you'll get accident forgiveness (no raise in premium) and waiver of your deductible for your first incident.
2) If you fly a TAA (glass panel) and take a single ASF seminar per year (online or in person), you'll earn a 10% reduction in your annual premium. It was not clear if this applied to owners only, or renters as well. Details to follow.
Finally, regarding Lockheed Martin Flight "Circus" Stations, he said not enough pilots are calling the toll free "complaint" line, only 50 or so per week (that's not enough?!?!). They review each call and the associated briefing tape with LM and submit a report to the FAA. One full-time AOPA staffer is dedicated solely to this task, but they need our help! If you have a bad briefing experience, your next call needs to be the complaint line (888/FLT-SRVC or 888/358-7782). Give AOPA the ammo they need to argue the point that the service isn't up to our standards.
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