Didn't think about that - if you get the lifetime membership, you might only get one hat!And don't sign up for Auto-Renew, then you will get enticed with fabulous prizes to sign up..
I appreciate the input. More than likely I'll continue to be a regular member, if nothing then just for the magazine, but are the things that the premium plus membership provides worth it? Do you really need that? I know the consensus is, don't worry about that so early in your flight career; however, if I'm going to spend the money on a lifetime membership, then I would rather have it now than later.
Again, I really appreciate the input. I guess I'm just asking at this point, no matter what style the membership falls under, should I do the premium plus? I basically just don't know if those legal services are something that I actually want, or if it's really just a load of crap to try and get you to spend more money, and completely unnecessary.