DC3 Airports - Hostage to Nat'l Security


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 31, 2006
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This may up in Spinzone, and so be it, but I have to get this off my chest.

I just watched a 3 part series on Aero News Network (online) about College Park Airport and its post-9/11 travails. It made me sick.


The ludicrous limitations. The Soviet-style background vetting (the need to travel to the Balto FSDO and DCA are a novel twist!). The response to a non-existent problem (how many light planes have been used in terrorist attacks? how many have hit the White House and bounced off? Consider the damage by that kid who hit an office building in St Pete, or the Corey Lidle SR22 - I could go on and on about Ryder trucks, but I won't).

I have made a pact with myself to go through the silly vetting process to be "allowed" to fly to CPA. It'll take all day, I 'll need to find a babysitter, but I'm going to do it. They deserve our help down there!!

I know Ron has gone through the process. Can I interest anyone else in following his lead? We, the GA community, need to step up and do something. This is just one more example of the steady erosion of our civil liberties in the name of doing something, anything, rather than something productive.
I'm vetted, and if anyone ever needs a vetted pilot to fly in or out of the DC3 on business or pleasure, it's free.

Get vetted. It's worth the hassle. College Park is right on the metro, so it's by far the easiest way for GA to fly into DC now that DCA is closed.

If I can help with ground transport, I'll do my best.
I used to be a line boy at KCGS.

It was a great place. I haven't been back since the FRZ, it would probably break my heart to see it quiet.
I'm vetted, too - what the heck, it's only another government background check. It's a bigger hassle just to make the appointments and do the stuff.

Took about 10 days to get everything back, and then go get the breifing at W32.
...I know Ron has gone through the process. Can I interest anyone else in following his lead? We, the GA community, need to step up and do something. This is just one more example of the steady erosion of our civil liberties in the name of doing something, anything, rather than something productive.

Andrew let me know when you're planning on going down to DC and I'll see if I can get free then. I'd like to join the ranks of the vetted. That's a great airport and I want to do my part to help keep it open.
Andrew, I'll go with you as well.

Hello BALTO FISDO we'd like to schedual a vetting sesson for three of the LOM Beer Drinkers.

Let me know when.
Wilco. I will probably go on a Friday, sometime later in July.
I'm vetted. Between the drive to BALTO FSDO, Metro from College Park to DCA and back, and the video at College Park it took about 5 hrs to do the leg work. I got my PIN over the phone about a week later.

If any of the DC3 decide to hold a fly-in please make it known. I'd love to bring my ex-commie plane to one of them.
If any of the DC3 decide to hold a fly-in please make it known. I'd love to bring my ex-commie plane to one of them.
That'll give the secret service and the DHS a bout of colitis. Can I watch?? ;)

I am not vetted nor am I likely to be as I don't fly there. But I still support what flyersfan mentioned. Far too many sheeple that are being led by fear. I am very disapointed that the AOPA has really jsut dropped the whole thing. As a result I did not give their PAC nay money last year and let them know the reason was lack of action on unreasonable GA security issues such as the ADIZ and the DC three.
Most folks can't see it and don't know. I wonder what they would think when they find out that the govmnt spends 10's of millions of dollars a year to protect itself from a bunch of harmless airplanes. Sounds like a good 60 minutes story.