Davis Clark One-X Headset


Line Up and Wait
Sep 13, 2013
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Can anyone with any experience with this headset give a PIREP? Thanks.
It's my primary headset for about the last 18 months. Love it. Super comfortable and lightweight. And does away with the infamous "clamp" David Clark is famous for. I tried the "on-ear" Pro-X but found I prefer the over-ear One-X.

But I should be clear I am a DC fan. All six of the headsets in my Aztec are DCs. I have a low tolerance for stuff that isn't highly robust when I am flying. I have relegated the Pro-X to passengers that prefer "on-ear". I also carry one Halo as a spare, and for passengers that don't want to " mess their hair up". I tried the Halo when I first bought it. Amazing audio quality but I just never got used to the in-ear sensation.

Headset choices are very personal imo. What works for one person is intolerable to someone else. If you are going to spend money for a high end headset try out all of them before you make a final choice. I recently lent my One-X to a friend to try out on a cross-country in his 182 RG. He ended up buying one for himself. But that doesn't mean the DC is for everyone.
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I'll pile on. I love it. Very comfortable and light weight. Like GRG55 though, I'm pretty much a fan of DC and only have it to compare to the DC 13.4's that I replaced. Those are now for PAX.
I have a One-X and a Pro-X. I use the Pro-X in the work airplane (CL605), and the One-X in the fun airplane (172). I love both of them. I had an issue with the Pro-X, sent it to DC, and they sent me a brand new headset back. This is after owning the headset for 4+ years.
Who with experience with Bose A20 can compare the two? I’ve got Bose but thinking of trying these too since I’m going to send back the Clarity Aloft set I bought.
I was planning on trying a set on at OSH until someone failed to yield at a stop sign and hit my truck. Anyone have suggestions on where to buy with the best return policy if I don't like the product? Thanks again.
I just wish DC would offer another option other than that horrible green color lol
I kind of like that pistachio ice cream color
Another one piling on for the ONE-X. Absolutely love it. My CFI who has Zulu 3's tried mine and said it was 10x more comfortable than the Zulu's. I have very limited experience with Bose, but from the one time I did try them years ago, I prefer the ONE-X.
I kind of like that pistachio ice cream color

Hahaha that’s a good description of it. It’s not bad I guess. Grows on you a little bit.