Dan Gryder banned from Airventure


Line Up and Wait
Oct 7, 2009
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One night we were waiting for our Uber by one of the gates, we made friends with the kids working security

One thing led to another and their instruction book got handed to me to look at something. And I turned the page, there Dan was

Banned for life from the grounds. Totally forgot about it until I saw him posting trash on Different OSH groups on Facebook. I did happen to take a picture

Wow... so it's true. Wonder what you have to do to get on that list. Now I have a research project lol. I want to see the information on the following pages.

I'm a little shocked they let you take a picture of it. Seems like EAA wouldn't want that to get out. Otoh, the more people know about it, the more likely they are to get caught.
Trying to do some research to determine the cause of the bans for the other people on the list.

Most of the names are pretty common, hard to find potential reasons. Paul Koepnick is an exception: "Koepnick was asked to leave the EAA grounds July 28 when he was found scavenging through trash bins and residing at a campground after the event had ended, EAA Spokesman Dick Knapinski said." (2015)

A person with the same name as one of the others comes up as a registered sex offender, photo seems to match. Was acquitted in an attempted child abduction case in 2015 (his word against the child's, the jury didn't convict).

Whatever the reasons, EAA is probably going to be in big trouble for allowing this list to be photographed by an outsider.

Ron Wanttaja
“Gryder has been a regular attendee at the event until his run-in with organizers in 2021, when he filmed an EAA crew drinking beer as they towed his plane from the runway where staff had misdirected him, and he subsequently got stuck.”

I’m sure there was more to it than that. But the number of things that came up in searching…wow. His reputation is well earned.
“Gryder has been a regular attendee at the event until his run-in with organizers in 2021, when he filmed an EAA crew drinking beer as they towed his plane from the runway where staff had misdirected him, and he subsequently got stuck.”

I’m sure there was more to it than that. But the number of things that came up in searching…wow. His reputation is well earned.
2021 was when Dan Gryder refused to obey the marshallers and ended up nearly blowing over a Cub behind him. I suspect the subsequent "discussion" between him and the EAA personnel resulted in his banning.
I think that this list is a bit of a joke. Anyone of those yahoos could easily waltz into OSH and no one from EAA would be the wiser unless they drew attention to themselves.
I think that this list is a bit of a joke. Anyone of those yahoos could easily waltz into OSH and no one from EAA would be the wiser unless they drew attention to themselves.
So are most gates, doors, locks, fences, etc. What's your point?
Wow... so it's true. Wonder what you have to do to get on that list. Now I have a research project lol. I want to see the information on the following pages.

I'm a little shocked they let you take a picture of it. Seems like EAA wouldn't want that to get out. Otoh, the more people know about it, the more likely they are to get caught.
Kids hired for a week long job with a total bi#%* for a boss. She rolled up and yelled at one of them for having the audacity to stand in the shade. While we were standing right there.
The ban/trespass list is used in case any person if found on site they can be arrested for trespassing without having to give a warning.
I understand that. Like I said, unless they draw attention to themselves which I admit in Dan's case would almost be a given.
It’s also much easier to be anonymous it you don’t blast your face all over social media.
One of the persons on the list maybe a local sex offender.
I saw him there last year, was along the road in front of the north T’s. By himself, no entourage.
Gryder was at Air Adventure this year on crutches. He introduced a friend giving a lecture on the Tenerife accident. He successfully evaded security who went looking for him. They ended up tailing his son and the lecturer but they never found him.
Gryder was at Air Adventure this year on crutches. He introduced a friend giving a lecture on the Tenerife accident. He successfully evaded security who went looking for him. They ended up tailing his son and the lecturer but they never found him.

He "evaded" security on crutches after introducing one of the presentations. Did EAA hire the Secret Service?
The ban/trespass list is used in case any person if found on site they can be arrested for trespassing without having to give a warning.
For simple trespass (no violence, threats, public intoxication, etc.) not sure a simple banned list from the organizer is enough to get someone arrested. I believe the police must issue a trespass order first. Then, if the person re-enters the premises they can be arrested. If there are trespass orders already on file, then calling the police can result in arrest.
For simple trespass (no violence, threats, public intoxication, etc.) not sure a simple banned list from the organizer is enough to get someone arrested. I believe the police must issue a trespass order first. Then, if the person re-enters the premises they can be arrested. If there are trespass orders already on file, then calling the police can result in arrest.
I can almost guarantee that all those on that list have been given a formal trespass notice.

People get "trespassed" off the grounds not infrequently without them ending up on the formal blacklist.
Holy s****. Of course EAA has a right to admit or refuse individuals at will, but publically calling them out like that borders on defamation.
Holy s****. Of course EAA has a right to admit or refuse individuals at will, but publically calling them out like that borders on defamation.

I don’t think they were publicly calling him out. A young security worker flashed a private list and was naive enough to allow someone to snap a photo.

OP probably shouldn’t have posted that pic online if the intent was for it to be a private list.
Holy s****. Of course EAA has a right to admit or refuse individuals at will, but publically calling them out like that borders on defamation.
How does a private entity publicly banning someone defame them in any way?

What I find interesting is Gryder publishing videos of himself trespassing.
How does a private entity publicly banning someone defame them in any way?

What I find interesting is Gryder publishing videos of himself trespassing.
Oh, Salty, you're absolutely right.
I don’t think they were publicly calling him out. A young security worker flashed a private list and was naive enough to allow someone to snap a photo.

OP probably shouldn’t have posted that pic online if the intent was for it to be a private list.
If he wasn’t going around bashing Airventure I wouldn’t have posted it. He an attention wh0**. I’ll give him some attention.
How does a private entity publicly banning someone defame them in any way?
Google tells me that defamation has to be false. In this case, nothing is false. It's true that he's been banned. That card doesn't say why or when, just that he's been banned.

We have a few lawyers here, maybe one can cross check me.
Isn't the last guy on the pictured list really Lee Harvey Oswald,??
So....word is....that ban hasn't stopped him. He's been there and has videos to prove it.
Google tells me that defamation has to be false. In this case, nothing is false. It's true that he's been banned. That card doesn't say why or when, just that he's been banned.
Doesn't have to actually win to cost EAA. Witness Campbell's two lawsuits against Sun-N-Fun, over his own banning. Lost them both, but S-N-F had to pay for years of lawyer time.

Ron Wanttaja
If he wasn’t going around bashing Airventure I wouldn’t have posted it. He an attention wh0**. I’ll give him some attention.
Good intentions and all that, but the problem is, publishing the shot is probably gonna cost EAA money and efforts to deal with Dan... again. I guarantee EAA would have preferred that you not publish it. Worse, there are other individuals on the list. Some of them may go after EAA too - you know Dan will.
If he wasn’t going around bashing Airventure
I bash AirVenture and Young Eagles all the time. Maybe I'm on that list?


Good thing my dues are being used by the EAA to fight idiotic court cases they want to start so they can feel important.
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Good intentions and all that, but the problem is, publishing the shot is probably gonna cost EAA money and efforts to deal with Dan... again. I guarantee EAA would have preferred that you not publish it. Worse, there are other individuals on the list. Some of them may go after EAA too - you know Dan will.

Then they probably should have had notations reading "Confidential EAA Information - NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE" or something similar.
I don't think there's anything wrong with making the list public.
One of my favorite local bars downtown Chicago has a "DO NOT SERVE" list, complete with pictures, posted right behind the bar in plain sight of all the patrons.
To me this seems like the same thing.

It's a private org and they can ban who they wish.

And also... I'm guessing Mr Orange Jumpsuit guy at the bottom isn't allowed within a mile of most schools, in addition to Airventure. Banning him and advertising his ban seems like a good idea...
I do love how the photo is a screen shot of one of his youtube videos :rofl:

One of my favorite local bars downtown Chicago has a "DO NOT SERVE" list, complete with pictures, posted right behind the bar in plain sight of all the patrons.
To me this seems like the same thing.
