Creepy Stowaway


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 10, 2021
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Went to the airport to go for a quick flight this morning. Found the entrance to the cabin being guarded by this monster.

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Decided I’d spend the morning cleaning out the cabin instead, I couldn’t get rid of the heebee jeebies well enough to pass IAMSAFE lol. Her web was the thickest, strongest stuff I’ve ever come across, too strong for the shop vac to suck up. Wiping it with a rag just caused it to ball up and stay connected to whatever surface it was attached too. I traced the web up through the cabin fresh air exhaust in the ceiling, up my comm antenna, and down the side of the airplane. Airplane was parked one week in a hangar.

Im just glad she was blocking the door and didn’t fly down into my view on takeoff or something. I’ve never seen a spider like this, giant monster.
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Did you relocate her to the outside or did she perish in the incident?