Final Approach
I am in the middle of an emergency travel to India (family emergency, not my choice) and per their rule, you need a -ve RT-PCR test (something to do with international standards). the sample collection has to be a maximum of 72 hours before the travel. You cannot board the flight without that test result.
I dutifully show up at a testing center in Fargo, they took my info, said because this is travel related, we will try our best to get your results to you in 24 hours, if not, anywhere from 72 hours to 5 days. O great
Every center i called told me the same thing, we will have your results sometime between 24 - 96 hours. I took my chances and took the test.
Now i am in Chicago, was supposed to get on flight today at 6:30, no test results. Thankfully airlines are not charging change fees now. There is a private testing center at the airport, who will do the test and hopefully get you the result in 24-72 hours. or you can pony up and expedite the results within 24 hours - $230 fee + the testing fee ($145) - which i did again and hopefully can fly out tomorrow.
Germany is doing test for 36 Euro, guaranteed result within 24 hours, most are getting their results in 8 hours - I know a buddy of mine just did it.
New Delhi is doing the tests at the airport (some $35), guaranteed result in 8 hours, believe they have set up a lab at the airport itself.
Why cant we do something like this? I get Fargo is a no mans land... but not even Chicago? you kidding me?
b/w if someone is planning to travel for whatever reason, the hotels now sucks big time. none of the restaurants are open and/or very limited take out menu options and i am talking like 3 type of sandwich and thats it.
I dutifully show up at a testing center in Fargo, they took my info, said because this is travel related, we will try our best to get your results to you in 24 hours, if not, anywhere from 72 hours to 5 days. O great
Every center i called told me the same thing, we will have your results sometime between 24 - 96 hours. I took my chances and took the test.
Now i am in Chicago, was supposed to get on flight today at 6:30, no test results. Thankfully airlines are not charging change fees now. There is a private testing center at the airport, who will do the test and hopefully get you the result in 24-72 hours. or you can pony up and expedite the results within 24 hours - $230 fee + the testing fee ($145) - which i did again and hopefully can fly out tomorrow.
Germany is doing test for 36 Euro, guaranteed result within 24 hours, most are getting their results in 8 hours - I know a buddy of mine just did it.
New Delhi is doing the tests at the airport (some $35), guaranteed result in 8 hours, believe they have set up a lab at the airport itself.
Why cant we do something like this? I get Fargo is a no mans land... but not even Chicago? you kidding me?
b/w if someone is planning to travel for whatever reason, the hotels now sucks big time. none of the restaurants are open and/or very limited take out menu options and i am talking like 3 type of sandwich and thats it.