'Conventional' gear.

Probably 20 years ago before the lines got switched over to recognize the digital only. For a while I also had a push button phone that sent the pulses like a dial phone would. Still have the dial phone in the shop, disconnected as I don't have a land line.
It still worked up until about 12 years ago. We were a bit later getting all-digital service.
It's official. "Mythbusters" refers to tricycle gear as, "Standard."
mythbusters U-2 landing gear-2.jpg
Ron Wanttaja
Ah, yes. Mythbusters is the authoritative source for aviation terminology.
You do know it's a taildragger, right?

The one on the right sure looks like a 308. Otherwise I gots nuthin’.
Per the FAA, the area you can freely move on an airport is the non-movement area, while the area that movement is restricted is the movement area.
A slip where you are pointed sideways to the direction you are moving is a forward slip, a slip where you are pointed forward is a side slip.
Per the FAA, the area you can freely move on an airport is the non-movement area, while the area that movement is restricted is the movement area.
A slip where you are pointed sideways to the direction you are moving is a forward slip, a slip where you are pointed forward is a side slip.

You drive on a parkway and park on a driveway too…
Here in Canada PPL students can solo at 14 years of age. But they have to be 16 and fully licensed before they can solo the car.