I really don't want to be a PITA about this but what does the airman do about near vision while wearing the required lens correcting the near vision eye to a distance eye for the six month adaptation period?
From the brochure:
"Airmen who opt for monovision LASIK must initially wear correction (i.e., glasses or contact lens) for near vision eye while operating an aircraft."
Sorry but while I understand that monovision contacts are unacceptable, it appears to me monovision via LASIK appears to be either a) acceptable via a SODA and no corrective lenses after six months or b) unacceptable unless one has good distance vision and poor near vision via a corrective distance lens on the near vision eye if one does not pass the MFT.
Is it that one has to have good enough near vision with the distance lens in place or is true monovision after the "six month period of adaptation" acceptable after passing the MFT with a resulting SODA?
Or is it since the airman is only wearing the distance lens while flying, it is good enough for the brain to be able to adapt during the rest of the time.
My basic questions are a) what is the solution for near vision in the cockpit while wearing distance lenses for the near vision eye and b) is monovision Via LASIK OK if one passes the MFT and is issued a SODA.
To quote Dr Chien "sigh"