Sugarland to Boerne is 159NM. At a comanche 145-150 (155+ish if balls to the wall at 14+gph), you're looking at an 1:15 with a climb and no winds. With the prevailing westerly to NWesterly winds in the 3-9k yesterday between 40-50+ knots between C TX, NW LA, and Oklahoma, based on his due W direction of flight his GS could have been as slow as 100kts. That puts that flight at 1:36. If indeed that dude launched with less than 2 hours of gas, full knowing the winds aloft were gonna add 30+ minutes to such a short leg, and still decided to overfly all those airports with gas along I-10, then yeah that would be beyond the pale.
Of course we don't know that. Older 4 tank bladdered fuel systems can be sketchy, especially when the full volumes are seldom exercised. As long as those bladders weren't breached in the crash, we should be able to get some forensics as to the integrity of the fuel system. All that said, won't be the first or last time that people run out of gas real close to the destination, with a dozen fuel options behind them all the way to the origination point. Real tough break they couldn't survive the urban landing.