CO Pilots - Friday May 13


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Aug 21, 2008
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Pete's flying into FTG on Friday for the LSA Expo. Should we have a CO-POA dinner on Friday or Saturday?
If it's on Friday I can't be there until later (1930?), but since it's summer I guess that's not so much of a problem.
Please do not bother too much on my account. It would be great if something could be arranged, but otherwise I am sure I'll be fine. I'm going to have one of those newfanged "cellular" telephones: +1-209-740-5871.
-- Pete
Please do not bother too much on my account. It would be great if something could be arranged, but otherwise I am sure I'll be fine. I'm going to have one of those newfanged "cellular" telephones: +1-209-740-5871.
-- Pete

Bother? What's a bother? What better excuse to get together for dinner?
Once again I'm most likely going to be unable to attend. It's been a rather stressful time around my house for the last 5-6 weeks. My dad passed away 5 weeks ago, my uncle (his little brother) passed away a week ago today, so we've have two road trips to South Dakota. Now, my brother in law is having surgery for a brain tumor and I'm taking my wife to the airport to be with him on Saturday morning, so Friday night will be getting ready for that.

One of these days things will quiet down enough that I can join up for something fun!
Not too sure about dinner either evening. We'll be at the expo (diving over) but will be leaving for Durango on business Sunday morning. Depending on where dinner is, I guess it's possibility.
What's all this about CO-Pilots? I like being a PIC pilot, so I would feel out of place being around so many CO-Pilots...:D
I'll be down for the expo but probably won't make the trek for dinner Friday.
Most likely I'm going to fly with another renter from our FBO, we split the costs and PIC time. So there are going to be 2 of us.
Right now our schedule shows us landing at KAPA at 1814 but that can slide either way by a lot. Therefore, dinner tomorrow seems questionable for me but I'll come out there Saturday to see what's going on.
Right now our schedule shows us landing at KAPA at 1814 but that can slide either way by a lot. Therefore, dinner tomorrow seems questionable for me but I'll come out there Saturday to see what's going on.

Are ya bringin' the squirrel or should a plan on provisioning the grill myself?:D
I'm playing CAP pseudo-instructor/safety guy/speed bump with orange vest -- on Saturday, so I won't make it to the Expo.

Y'all have fun out there. I might try to get some flyin' in on Sunday if the WX is good.

But then again the backyard projects are piling up and a simple project to build some radio boxes has turned into a three month long never-ending deal mostly due to everyone's schedules not lining up well...

Let's not even mention the podcast. :(

Oh and someday actually getting a CAP Form 5 done...

And finishing the trips to the dump to clear out brush and the crap in the garage...

And cleaning up the basement desk/workbench so I can actually do something down there...


I'm playing CAP pseudo-instructor/safety guy/speed bump with orange vest -- on Saturday, so I won't make it to the Expo.

Y'all have fun out there. I might try to get some flyin' in on Sunday if the WX is good.

But then again the backyard projects are piling up and a simple project to build some radio boxes has turned into a three month long never-ending deal mostly due to everyone's schedules not lining up well...

Let's not even mention the podcast. :(

Oh and someday actually getting a CAP Form 5 done...

And finishing the trips to the dump to clear out brush and the crap in the garage...

And cleaning up the basement desk/workbench so I can actually do something down there...



And...don't know if it makes you feel any better that you're not in the club alone...but, for what its worth...Greg and I are in it with you...since we will be putting a house up for sell soon.
Hopefuly I wasn't fillibustering too much.