Cleaning out shop, KT76A any value?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
Beyond doorstop value?
Maybe to a 3rd world country?
Maybe ppl buy oldvionics as a hobby these days?IMG_5776.jpeg
I'm guessing there's a someone or two that's nursing along their ADS-B compliance with one of these alongside a skyBeacon/tailBeacon and wouldn't mind a spare just in case.
I haven't checked the market lately, but a used GTX 327 is about $600.
With that in mind, I'd say a fair asking price for a working 76 would be around $100.
not much.. . there is still quite a bit of value in old com radios, but the transponders have been kind of replaced in the last decade with the ads-b requirements and such.
Ended up donating mine for an EAA Swap Meet to raise money for Young Eagles..
get about 4 more, JB weld them together, add a chain eyelet. bingo, a great small boat anchor.
The vacuum tube and associated high voltage power supply makes for a great party trick, especially for people you don't like.
We see a lot of people who have this transponder installed still. There could be value on ebay.