Not sure if this is still the case (I don't think it is), but it used to be that at UES the ATIS/ASOS frequency did not broadcast while the tower was open - The tower would just read you the weather. Then, at night, the ASOS was on. Pretty stupid if you ask me, but maybe the contract towers get paid per contact...
What I'm used to is the home 'drome, where there's ATIS while the tower/TRACON are open, and ASOS when they're not. It's augmented by a recording at the end of the robotic ASOS broadcast that I've heard so many times I could probably (and may well actually!
) recite it in my sleep: "Madison Tower hours of operation are 6 AM to 11 PM local time. Common traffic advisory frequency is 119.3 and is monitored by crash, fire and rescue. Pilot-controlled lighting is available on 119.3. ILS 18 and 21 are selected. IFR departures contact Chicago Center on 135.45 for clearance..." followed by NOTAMs.