Class-2 during basic-med?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 10, 2020
Central Florida
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Tony T
I am 63 years old with a commercial rating but seldom do any commercial flying now. I just got my first basic-med. My question is: If I decide to get a class-2 to do a little commercial flying, does that cancel my basic-med? Or, can I let the class-2 expire and revert to the previously issued basic-med as long as I am still in the 4 year period?
(Yes, I know there is a risk of a medical denial which makes the basic-med invalid, but that is outside the scope of this question.)
Tony T.

But beware - if that 2nd class ever gets revoked, or if you flunk an AME exam, you lose your eligibility for Basic Med until you pass a new FAA medical. Proceed with caution.

But beware - if that 2nd class ever gets revoked, or if you flunk an AME exam, you lose your eligibility for Basic Med until you pass a new FAA medical. Proceed with caution.
Explain the revocation part of this. Wouldn't it depend on why your Class 2 was revoked?
Explain the revocation part of this. Wouldn't it depend on why your Class 2 was revoked?

Nope. Per the FAA,...

What does a pilot need to use BasicMed??
• A valid U.S. driver's license
• An FAA medical certificate that was valid at any time
after July 14, 2006.
• The most recent application for a
medical certificate was not denied.
The most recent medical certificate was not
revoked, suspended, or withdrawn.

See .
But beware - if that 2nd class ever gets revoked, or if you flunk an AME exam, you lose your eligibility for Basic Med until you pass a new FAA medical. Proceed with caution.

The OP is aware and stated as much.

What's the over/under on the number of posts past the one that answered the question? (that would be post #2)?
The OP is aware and stated as much.

What's the over/under on the number of posts past the one that answered the question? (that would be post #2)?

No, the OP said he knew about a denial, but not a revocation.

And to answer your question, 42e12.
The OP was trying to avoid the thread going off into the "warning, if you mess up your 'real' medical, they you will invalidate your basic-med" type of responses. That was a given.
Post #2 answered the question for me.
Tony T.
Old Thread: Hello . There have been no replies in this thread for 365 days.
Content in this thread may no longer be relevant.
Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.