Citabria-Decathlon-Scout Facebook Page

I would, but I don't fly those modern Champ versions, also, I choose not to do Facebook.
Hi all! I have started a Citabria-Decathlon-Scout Facebook group. Please join the group and pass the link on to any of your fellow ACA friends. If the link doesn't work, its an easy search on Facebook. Thanks!
Thanks for starting the page. :) Sometimes the Yahoo Citabria site is hard to navigate.

I posted a photo the other day and will add more later when I get a chance. :)
Thanks for starting the page. :) Sometimes the Yahoo Citabria site is hard to navigate.

I posted a photo the other day and will add more later when I get a chance. :)

Thanks Diana! Your plane and farm are beautiful! We're in central Illinois, but hope to get down your way one of these days.
Your plane and farm are beautiful!

Aren't you sweet. :) Thank you.

We're in central Illinois, but hope to get down your way one of these days.

Please stop in and see us! :yes:

I just added more photos to the site. They were from an aerobatic training day at the farm in 2009. Paul Thomson flew down from Kansas City and gave ground instruction and flight training. He is such an incredible pilot and a heck of a nice guy. :yes: