Cirrus Perspective EFB Question


Filing Flight Plan
Nov 19, 2015
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You have to use Garmin Pilot to transfer flight plans into G1000. Is it really that helpful?
ForeFlight sends updates to flight plans and honestly with the smaller range of these GA planes I don’t see that it’s that big a deal to type in route than to be able to push to avionics.
What are your SOPs for you guys flying G6 or G7?
The question is far broader than Cirrus Perspective. It even applies to flying an analog 172 with an old 430/530.

Flight plan pushing to Garmin avionics is available with both Garmin Pilot and ForeFlight. Its value depends on you, your other avionics, and the type of flying you do.

With all systems, its main benefit is being able to do complex flight planning at home and simply push the plan to your compatible avionics. Even multiple flights. Secondarily, many find it much easier to deal with route amendments on an EFB than in the panel system. That’s true even with Perspective’s keyboard.

Whether that convenience has value to you depends. Fly in an area where most everything is direct or with a waypoint or two, NBD. Fly in say, the northeast corridor where your carefully-planned route gets changed and you get a full route multiple waypoint/airway clearance and it might be a very big deal.
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