Cirrus in the Bay Area


Filing Flight Plan
May 29, 2024
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Hey y'all!

I'm a relatively newly minted private pilot in SoCal! Did my training in a 172, but then transitioned to the Cirrus SR20-G3 and quite frankly, it's like going from a driving school beater to a top of the line sedan. (I'm doing my best to eliminate any 'cirrus' behavior - no 20 mile straight ins)

I'm going to be moving to the San Francisco / Bay Area shortly, and was wondering if anyone knew of any good (cheap-ish relatively) places to rent an SR-20 G3? I'm currently renting for ~$220 dry, so if something was available in that ballpark it would be amazing :) Even if not, if there's any recommendations on places to rent that would be awesome!
Where in bay area? Scanlon Aviation in Novato (north bay) rents SR20s I believe.
Awesome - appreciate it, will review! I'm based in SF / just south, so honestly, I'll take anything. Cirruses I find are $350+, which is just a tad too much rn.
Appreciate all the responses! West Valley or Advantage would both be awesome location-wise, will reach out to them.
Also, @jimhorner , the plural of Cirrus being Cirri gave me a good laugh , appreciate it.