Cherokee's 2 Oshkosh

I missed the first 50, but am in the holding pattern!

Congrats! I hope you get in, that'd be a memory maker!

That side-scrolling marquis list is a pain though! They should just put the list on the page. Who wants to sit and watch the entire marquis to see if their name is on it!?!?

That's about as bad as "music-on-load" web pages. :mad2:

Ah, and that's why there is "View Source" on the right-click:

<marquee class="html-marquee" direction="left" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="7" > Terry/Karen-5613W &nbsp Ray/Jill-1799T
                           &nbsp Greg/Adam/Ashley-2245U &nbsp Rick-63BA &nbsp Kevin/Matthew-77KV &nbsp David-6886J &nbsp Wayne/Angie-4373T &nbsp Ken/Gene-3788T
                           &nbsp John/Kyle-647FL &nbsp Chris-3542W &nbsp Bernard/Lolly-2495T &nbsp Joe/Kaye-1056H &nbsp Tom/Randy/Ken-7399J &nbsp Joseph/Mike-8229P
                           &nbsp Larry-140L &nbsp Jim/Joe-6391R &nbsp Dwane/John-626RN &nbsp Randy-1954T &nbsp Gray-218TS &nbsp Ken/Ellen-442TM &nbsp
                           David-2295T &nbsp Kent-8095A &nbsp Richard/Jan-153SM &nbsp Alex-2243N &nbsp James/James-1889J &nbsp Joseph/Katherine-56771
                           &nbsp Todd/Natalie-21116 &nbsp Lynn/Christopher-3334Q &nbsp John-4522J &nbsp Robert/Jeffrey-4124M &nbsp George/Jeanne-55774
                           &nbsp Michael/Michael-6138V &nbsp David/Mary-2672T &nbsp Ann/Beverly-5243S &nbsp Kenneth/Jonathan-6547W &nbsp Kenneth-9337J
                           &nbsp Martin-72551 &nbsp David/Jordan/Jimmy-906WF &nbsp Conrad/Marcia-3998R &nbsp Doane/Karole-5955U &nbsp Michael/Paula-422DJ
                           &nbsp Daniel/Tiffany/Jordan/Carson-7859N &nbsp Dan-3793W &nbsp Ranjit/Marv-98222 &nbsp Rusty/Deborah-4389T &nbsp Michael-6428J
                           &nbsp Mark/Naz-8422M &nbsp Richard/Byron-3958T &nbsp Mark/Ben/Jordan-4128R &nbsp John-103JK</marquee>
I'm really glad to hear that Shane. The Free Bird and its pilot are in (I signed up for that the second I heard about it). Hope the stuff I sent helped.
Sadly it looks like the lead in this is Terry Hocking who is part of the band of idiots involved in the Cherokee Pilots Assoc.

Good luck with this!!:frown2:
Thanks MW for the info on the flight event.

I've never met any of the folks involved ('cept for Steingar), and I'm hoping/anticipating for a fun flight. I'll give you a post flight pirep. :)
Sadly it looks like the lead in this is Terry Hocking who is part of the band of idiots involved in the Cherokee Pilots Assoc.

Good luck with this!!:frown2:

Like Shane I don't know anybody (except Shane), and never belonged to any of the ownership groups. If it comes to fruition he won't be an idiot, at least according to me. This sounds like a lot of fun.
Like Shane I don't know anybody (except Shane), and never belonged to any of the ownership groups. If it comes to fruition he won't be an idiot, at least according to me. This sounds like a lot of fun.

Your mileage may vary, enjoy the adventure!